Chapter 27

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December 14th

0 days till Anna's death

It was around 10 in the morning. There was no movement, no sounds, let alone anything really moving in the house. Zayn and Anna were still curled up in bed fast asleep. Neither of them was bothered to up so early today. But not everyone had gotten that memo. Danielle, Liam and Niall were on their way over to their house. The three of them were all going on a trip soon, which was strange. Danielle and Liam are dating and then there would be Niall who has been single for quite some time. But Danielle was the one who popped the question to Niall about joining them.

Saying it would "help him get out there. Meet some lady friends", as if he didn't have millions of girls swooning over him every day. Although that would be odd, Niall just didn't want a girlfriend at the moment and he was completely okay being single. As they pulled in and exited the car, Liam swiftly knocked on the door and waited. When there was no answer after 5 minutes and then no answer after 10 minutes, he pulled out his spare key. Zayn had given him that about a few weeks ago. It was just in case for when Anna was home alone. Yes he did trust the other boys, but Liam was just more responsible than the rest. The door was shut quietly behind Niall as they kept on walking in.

"Are they even here?" Danielle questioned, breaking the silence among them.

"Yeah, car's out there" Liam answered, stuffing his keys into his pocket.

"I'll check upstairs" said Danielle, shuffling past Niall and up the stairs.

Liam and Niall drifted towards the couch, sitting down as they waited on Danielle. As Danielle approached their room, she came to realization as to why no one answered the door. She peeked inside, seeing the two fast asleep and their bodies tangled together. She quietly walked up to the side Anna was on, peeking over to see how asleep she was. She huffed realizing that if she tried to wake them, it would not end well. She searched for some paper and a pen, quickly scribbling down a note. She left it under Zayn's phone and quietly exited the room. Heading back down the stairs, Liam and Niall stood to their feet and waited.


"They're out cold. Fast asleep, no way they're going to wake up easily." Danielle answered, coming to her boyfriend's side and taking his hand.

"Oh, well we can call them later I suppose. We aren't leaving till-"

"Tomorrow. I know,  I just-I-" Danielle stopped short, burying her face into his chest.

Liam's strong arms' wrapped around her as she quietly whimpered. Niall soon wrapped his arms around them and they stood there in a 3 way hug. Liam understood why she wanted to see Anna. They would be gone for 2 weeks. Dani was worried something would happen while they were gone, especially to them, and she just wanted to see her. He understood, 100 percent.

"Come on, babe" Liam led her out the door, Niall closing and locking it behind them. They got into their car and drove off.


Now it was 1 in the afternoon and they both slowly began to get up. Anna was up first, pushing herself off the bed to use the toilet. After relieving herself and washing her hands, she walked back to the bed just to see Zayn standing up and stretching.

"I would say morning, but it's the afternoon" she chuckled, walking up behind him to wrap her around his waist.

"Well, good afternoon anyway" he smiled, linking his fingers with hers.

"I'm going to go shower, okay?"

"Okay. Do I get to join you?"

"Hmm, maybe. We'll see" she smirked, biting between his shoulder blades as she pulled away.

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