Chapter 15

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November 8th

36 days till Anna’s death

~Later that night~

Anna and the three boys were lounging in the living room, watching the movie LiLo Stitch, as suggested by Anna. Anna had taken to how distant Zayn seemed to be since Harry and her pulled their little prank. Speaking of that, Louis had screamed and blamed both Harry and Anna. He already knew it was them, saying how Zayn would never do such a thing like that. But Anna and Harry couldn’t stop laughing at Louis; they found the whole thing quite hilarious. Much to Harry extent, he was spending the night on the couch. Zayn finally decided to get up and head upstairs, complaining that he was beyond exhausted. Anna shortly followed after him, wanting to know why he was being distant.

“Zayn, is there something wrong? You seem different ever since the prank” Anna asked, taking a seat on their bed as she aimlessly watched Zayn dress in his pajamas.

“I’m fine. Totally, absolutely fine. Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, you just seemed, distant”

“Well, I mean it is the right thing to do when you think your own girlfriend was kissing you band mate” Zayn said coldly, entering the bathroom.

“What did you say?” Anna had heard him loud and clear, but she was just trying to act surprised. Rising from the bed she stormed after him into the bathroom.

“You heard me. I saw you, kissing Harry. Do you think I’m stupid or something? I bet that’s the whole reason he and Louis came. Just so he could see you and kiss you and shit. I can’t believe you Anna”

“Me? Cheating, on you? I would never Zayn. It was just a spur of the-“

“Cut the shirt Annabelle. I saw everything; it wasn’t the spur of a moment thing. He pulled you back and kissed you.” He spat, storming out of the bathroom with Anna hot on his heels.

Anna knew Zayn was really pissed. He never called her by her full name. Never.

“Zayn I would never ever think about cheating on you. Especially with one of your own band mates. I’m not that low, I would never do that!”

“Then tell me why you and he were fucking kissing? Why?!” he screamed out, tears starting to pour from his eyes.

“Zayn, I-I”

“Exactly. I don’t need your excuses or your lies. I just can’t believe you would do something like this. After everything we’ve been through. I fucking love you Anna and this is how you chose to treat me? Did I ever mean anything to you?”


“No, I don’t want to hear it. I’m leaving for the night; I can’t stand to sleep in this bed. Don’t call or text me, I’m not putting up with your bullshit” he whispered.

He gathered his things into a bag and left the room, leaving Anna there in tears. Harry and Louis came rushing up the stairs after trying aimlessly to get an answer from Zayn. All they got was a door slammed in their faces. Anna fell to her knees and cried out. Harry instantly rushed to her side, embracing her in a tight hug. Louis also joined the embrace, the three of them just sitting there holding each other. Once Anna had calmed down she decided to put on some pajamas       ( ) .

She grabbed a blanket from her room and dragged herself downstairs, face planting onto a couch. Harry and Louis had followed her down, smiling at her face plant.

"Hey, Anna. Do you want both or one of us to stay down here with you?" Louis asked, crouching in front of the sad girl on the couch.

"I don't care." she shrugged, sniffling and wiping her eyes.

Louis and Harry shared a look, almost talking with their eyes. Louis nodded and kissed Anna’s head. He left behind Harry and Anna as he headed to the guest bedroom. Harry picked Anna up in his arms, sitting on the couch with her in his lap.

“Tell me what happened?”

“Zayn saw you kiss me earlier, and now he thinks I’m cheating on him with you. He’s not staying here tonight, that’s why he stormed out…oh god. I ruined everything” she whimpered covering her face with her hands.

Harry held onto her tightly rocking her and trying to soothe the crying girl. But it didn’t seem to work really. She wouldn’t stop crying no matter what Harry did or said. So they sat there without conversing or saying anything at all. Harry kept his hold on Anna, who had now fallen asleep in his arms. He slowly walked upstairs and into her bedroom. Pulling back the covers, he laid her in bed, and tucked her in. He left a kiss on her forehead and left her room and headed to his “room”. Louis was just barely awake when Harry slipped into bed.

Louis instantly grabbed Harry’s face, kissing him passionately. Louis then cuddled his back into Harry’s front. Harry had his arm wrapped around Louis’s body to keep him close. They soon both fell asleep after sharing a few short kisses and words between each other. As for Zayn, he found a nearby motel and booked a room for the night. He sat in the decent looking bed and thought about his whole relationship with Anna. He had fucked up once and Anna had forgiven him in about a week.

But that was only because he was stupid, got drunk and made a mistake. But Anna wasn’t drunk; she was 100% sober, right? She was well aware of what was happening. Another thing that irked Zayn was the fact that she never pushed Harry away or slapped him for kissing her. But she kissed him back. Was she really hiding something from Zayn? Was there something going on between her and Harry? Zayn had so many thoughts and questions running through his head that it kept him up. He couldn’t fall asleep because he couldn’t stop thinking about the whole situation. He finally had enough of it and stormed over to his duffel bag.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and walked to the window. He light one up and puffed out the smoke, instant relief coming over him. He hadn’t had one in a while, since he wasn’t so stressed. Of course he had urges to smoke, but for some reason he avoided it. Maybe it was Anna holding him back from smoking, he thought. He puffed out another breath of smoke, a strange feeling coming over him. Why was he smoking? Was there really a need to? He threw it out and threw the package to the ground. He stomped on the package repeatedly and finally grabbed in and tossed it in the trash.

He loved Anna, no matter what, and didn’t want to die young because of this. He needed to stop now. He stripped himself of clothes, pulling on sweats then climbing into the bed. He grabbed his phone from the side table. His lock screen was a photo of him and Anna. He smiled at it before setting it down and closing his eyes. As they fell asleep this night, both Anna and Zayn thought of each other. Longed for each other’s touch, wishing this dispute would end. If only they knew their time with each other was becoming limited.

Hai. Thanks for reading, your vote would be much appreciated. Thanks :)

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