Chapter 7

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October 26th

49 days till Anna's death

Anna, Zayn and Harry were once again all together, this time in the kitchen.

"Hey Zayn. Can you keep a secret?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Yeah, of course. What's up mate?" Zayn smiled, sitting upright on the counter.

"Well, you see-you know how I said I had met a girl?"


"Well, I didn't meet a girl. I lied, I just felt like a loner..."

"Mate, you didn't have to make up that lie. I don't we would mind if you said "I just sat around, ate, slept, partied, and drank". We would still love you and not treat you any different" Zayn rambled on.

"Well there is kind of a reason why I lied to you guys..." Harry trailed off.

"And what's that reason?"

"I-I'm....bisexual" Harry finally blurted.

"You are? So you like vagina and dick?"

"Ha, uh yeah" Harry chuckled nervously, scratching his neck.

"When did you...know your were bisexual?" Zayn questioned, growing curious.

"A year ago" Harry smiled, probably thinking of a memory.

"Have you ever thought of doing something, say with Louis or one of the other boys?"

"Uh, just Louis."

"No offense but I kind of figured you had a thing for Louis"

Harry chuckled and nodded his head while smiling at Zayn's comment.

Harry said his goodbyes, leaving the kitchen to go off somewhere. Again, leaving Zayn and Anna alone yet again. Zayn smiled at his gorgeous girlfriend, who was leaning up against the counter, far from him, sort of. He began to make strange noise, thinking this would make her look away from her gaze and look at him.

And it did work. Anna noticed him making these noises and began to laugh. Zayn motioned her over with his finger and a playful smirk. She obligated to him and slowly walked towards him, parting his legs to stand in between them.

"We are always together. Did you ever notice that?" Anna said, playing with the string from his pants.

"We are. Wow, wonder how everyone else feels...I have an idea" Zayn spoke, soon filled with excitement.

"And what would your idea be Malik" Anna smirked.

"Why don't you go spend the day with the girls, while I have a day with the boys?" Zayn smiled, grabbing both of Anna's hands.

"Sure, that sounds fun. Let's do this" Anna grinned.

Zayn jumped off the counter, trailing behind Anna as they searched for everyone. Anna found the girls and explained Zayn's idea. Of course they loved it and agreed, so they went off to get dressed. Anna went with them, leaving Zayn to go find the boys. They all agreed that it was a nice idea, even Harry joined.

"I think we should do some shopping while we're here" Danielle suggested.

"I saw these shoes the other day and I'm dying to go buy them. I've been meaning to buy my mum a gift like to repay her, and I think they're perfect for her!" Eleanor gushed.

"Sounds good. So get the shoes first then just look around?" Anna suggested, plopping herself down onto Eleanor's bed.

"Yes perfect. Ladies get prepared for the best fun filled day ever!" Danielle grinned.

But in reality, this was not going to turn out to be the best fun-filled day ever, at all.

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