Chapter 8

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October 26th

49 days till Anna's death

~Girls are out shopping~

Eleanor, Danielle and Anna had already been to 3 stores, in the past hour and a half. So far their "fun-filled day" was going smooth, but this day was going to turn bad soon, they just didn't know it.

"Ooo right there! That's where I saw the shoes!" Eleanor squealed, excitedly pointing to the shop.

Danielle and Anna laughed at Eleanor and briskly walked to the store and entered. One thing about this day; they had only been stopped a by a few fans about 2 or 3 times. Once inside the store, Eleanor rushed off to find the shoes.

"So I heard Harry talking to Zayn in the kitchen earlier, I assume you were in there" Danielle whispered to Anna.

"I was. What did you hear exactly?" Anna questioned, scared to know if Danielle knew of Harry's secret.

"When was Harry going to tell us of his new found love for men" Danielle raised an eyebrow, with a sly smirk.

"Oh, uh-Harry's just scared to tell everybody. So he uh told me then told Zayn.."

"Why would he be scared? I mean, it's not like the boys are going to judge him just 'cause he likes boys and girls, right?"

"It's not just that. It's the fact that he has this...crush on Louis. I just think if Louis found out that he would act differently around Harry" Anna explained, as Eleanor came walking back with her shoes.

"I fo- is everything ok?" she asked, noticing the concerned look on Danielle's face.

"Yeah. just chatting and catching up, that's all" Danielle covered quickly.

Eleanor didn't press the situation further, already thinking it had something to do with two of the boys. Harry and Louis. Harry and Louis were both keeping a secret from each other. Not only was Harry bisexual but so was Louis. Louis had determined this while on break with Eleanor. He confessed this to her and she took it rather calmly.

Eleanor hadn't seemed upset, at least that's what Louis thought, she seemed rather fine with it. Eleanor herself didn't even know how she felt about it. They strolled to the register after looking through the store, Eleanor paying quickly as they made their way to the next shop. But disaster was about to strike soon. Little did they know, coming down the sidewalk, were two middle aged men.

With one thing on their mind. Robbery. They were about to rob a shop, armed with guns, tear gas, anything they needed. That was the shop that the girls were heading into to. The men entered the shop, looking like another customer, the girls coming in behind them. They walked away and prepared to rob them. The girls were just coming up past the registers, when the two men shouted to get down on the ground.

The girls screamed and grabbed onto each other. They tried to run for it, but were caught at the door by a man in a ski mask. He led the girls towards the counter and made them sit with their backs to it. They obeyed the unruly men as they shouted to put the money in the bag, the others collecting the people in the store. Anna was shaking and could feel a weird sensation in her body, as if she was about to have a seizure. She breathed in and out and did her best to stay calm. Danielle noticed this and helped in soothing her.

"Open your wallets the drop your money on the ground!" the one nearest them shouted.

Anna winced from his tone, the man saw her and knelt in front of her.

"Does that scare you, sweetheart?" he breathed, reaching out to touch her cheek. Anna turned her head away, tears running down her cheeks now.

"You know, you kind of look familiar. Tell me your name." he demanded, Anna keeping her mouth shut in protest.

"It was an order not a question. Now tell me your name" his tone gave off that he was getting mad and frustrated with Anna.

Anna shook her head, cowering away from him and clutching onto Danielle's arm.

"Well if you wont, then...I'll just take one of your pretty little friends here" he smirked, latching onto Eleanor's arm, pulling her up to his side.

Eleanor shrieked at this, causing the man to slap her across the cheek. He yelled at her and pushed her up against the counter, her back to his.

"Now since your friend here wasn't listening, you're going to pay" Anna heard him whisper into Eleanor's ear.

She cringed at his words, almost expectantly knowing what he meant.

Two other men approached Anna and Danielle yanking them up by their arms. The other man dragged Eleanor off the counter and to the empty space near. He pushed her to the ground  smirking as he stared at Anna and Danielle. Slowly, but surely, he pulled a gun out from behind him, pointing it at the back of Eleanor's head. The girls cried out, causing them to both get hit and told to be quiet.

"This is your punishment, little girl, you get to watch you friend die in front of you" he cocked the gun and stepped closer to her.

Eleanor, on her knees, pleaded quietly for him to stop. But the man knew he wasn't going to stop. At first he hadn't planned to kill anybody, but not everything goes accordingly to plan. Shouts sounded from outside the store, those of policemen, who surrounded the front, guns up and ready. The man with the gun froze and looked up, seeing the police outside the door. His face changed, annoyance coming over him. He looked back to Eleanor and pulled the trigger.

"NOOO!" both the girls screamed.

Eleanor fell forward, rolling onto her side. Her body seeming to go limp as blood began to poor out from her lower back. The men held onto Eleanor and Anna as they screamed and cried. The man who shot,stood there chuckling darkly. He stepped around the bleeding out girl and advanced towards Danielle and Anna. He ordered one of the men to release Danielle, she ran at him, but he held onto her. She cried, screamed and kicked to get free, but he held a strong grasp.

"Now, were do you think your going, buttercup" he chuckled.

He turned back towards Eleanor, pushing her to the ground. Danielle rushed to Eleanor's side, trying to stop the bleeding. The man smacked her, the force sending her flying back, hitting her head on the ground.

"Tie her hands behind her back and tie her feet together" the gun man ordered.

The man holding Anna pushed her down to the ground, Anna pushing herself against the counter. The man pulled out zip ties, grabbing her feet and tying them together. He grabbed her and turned her around to tie her hands together. She was pushed back against the counter and left to cry.

The gun man started to hit Danielle over and over again, Danielle crying out every time he did so. A loud shattering sound rounded through the store, even more screams emitted, from other who were in the store. Anna hid her face in her knees and prayed for this to be over. Shouting was all that Anna heard. Everything seemed to go by so slow around her.

Policeman plowed in, guns ablaze, killing them robbers. Anna swooped up and carried out, she cried for her friends still inside. She was placed in an ambulance, the EMTs evaluating her. She continued to cry and scream, soon having to be held back by an officer. Anna witnessed with teary eyes, Eleanor's bloody body being raced out of the store and onto an ambulance.

She then saw them Danielle being walked out with an officer supporting her. She screamed Danielle's name  as loud as she could. Danielle screamed back to her. The officer led Danielle to her, Anna attacking her in a hug. The two sobbed into each other's shoulders, their bodies shaking.

A fun filled day turned into the one of the worst days in a matter of seconds.


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