Part Of The Family

Start from the beginning

Right there and then I want to break down. I have done a great job not thinking about that.

The boys are quite. They didn't tell her!

"Um, I actually can't have kids." I say quietly.

"We forgot to tell you mom." Tate says.

She looks at them with wide eyes. "You forgot to tell me that I can't have grandpups!" she yells.

The both lower their heads.

"It's not their fault. It's mine. I can never forgive myself." I say, looking sadly at the floor.

"Oh, sweetheart it's not your fault. You can always adopt." She says hugging me.

"I guess."

"But let not worry about that. You guys still have to get married."

"Mom, we decided to elope."

She turns around. "That's really funny, Tate." She says.

"No mom we decided to elope."

"That's not funny! You are having a wedding! You can't elope! You just can't."

"Mom we decided to elope." Hayden says, and she gets it.

"NO! What! You didn't! I swear to the moodgoddess that I will kill you." Haley says.

"It's okay. We knew that you were going to be mad, so we said that we would have another wedding." Tate says.

"It's not okay! You got married! Without your parents their! This can't be happening to me." She looks at me and reaches out and grabs my hand. She looks at the ring, then takes it off.

"What are you doing with my ring?!" I yell. She takes it and gives it to Tate.

"You guys aren't married! You can still doing over again. Pretend that you are still dating!"

"Mother! It happened. Okay, we wanted to get married, so we did. Enough with the nonsense. Give my wife her ring back and please leave." Hayden yells. Haley is frozen in shock. "Now!"

She reaches over and gets the ring. She hands it back to me. I put it on.

"It's a beautiful ring."

"Thank you."

"I just wish that you waited until we could have been their."

"If you and your husband would have been their, we won't of got married." I say meaning her husband would try to stop the wedding. "I promise from here on out, we will tell you our big news before we do it!" I say.

"Thank you." she says and hugs me. I hug her back. She pulls back and looks at me. "Welcome to the Robertson family."

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

"I better go."

"No, stay. I need to talk to you anyway."

She looks at Hayden and Tate that are focused on some papers.

"They will not say anything. It's my house, my rules. You can stay." I say.

"Hey! It's our house too!"

"No its, not my pack built it for me. You are my guess right now! Even if you are married to me." I say. I tell Haley to come with me and we go to my office.

"Please, take a seat." I say pointing to a chair across from my desk. She does. "I understand that you are a big part of Hayden and Tate's life, so you are going to be part of my life. I wanted to tell you that I'm not trying to change them, or take them away from you. I want you in their lives. I want them to have a good influence."

"I understand and I would like to do the same for your kids."

"I not sure if there will be kids."

"Don't think like that. I'm sure their will be."

"I would like to think so." I say with a small smile.

"I think you are a great girl and you are perfect for my boys, that's why I am having a hard time. They don't need me."

"Sure they do! I still need my parents." I say. "My parents still get help from their parents!"

She laughs. "I do too."

"I need you too." I say.

She smiles. "Why?"

"I have no idea how to raise boys like that!" I say and she laughs.

"I have plenty of experience in that department!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." I say. She understands and says good-bye. I tell the boys that I am leaving and they say that they will see me in a few minutes.

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