chapter 11

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Harry sat with his head on Zayn’s thigh, not paying attention to the movie that was playing in the background. Zayn sat up cross legged so Harry did the same. He scooted closer to Zayn, resting his head on his shoulder.

"See Louis and Jade over there?" Zayn pointed up ahead of them.


"How much you wanna bet she’s giving him a hand job?" 

Harry rolled his eyes, hitting Zayn softly in the chest, “Oh, leave them alone.”

"But you can’t deny it looks like it."

"Maybe. Or maybe they’re just cuddling."

"You’re so innocent." Zayn sighed, smiling and kissing Harry’s lips. Harry raised his eyebrows, rolling his eyes, "Though I’ve seen you in bed, so maybe not completely innocent."

Harry rolled his eyes again, only blushing slightly. He leaned over and kissed Zayn a few more times before cuddling into his side. The movie finished up soon after, but instead of being dismissed, G had an announcement.

"Alright, it’s that time again." G started. Zayn sat up straighter, listening.

"What time? What’s she talking about?" Harry asked.

"People are going to be released. It’s normally only like one or two but I still get my hopes up every time."

"We’ve got three this time. I’ve talked to all of their parents, they know about the release, so each of you will have some place you’re going when you leave." She took a pause, "Okay, the three of you leaving us tomorrow are," She looked down at her paper, "Niall, Keegan, and Harry."

Harry’s breathe caught up with him too quick and he stared wide eyed. Zayn smiled over at him, “Harry, babe, you’re going home.” He whispered into his ear. 

Harry zoned out for the rest of what had happened and next thing he knew he was on his way to the showers with the rest of the wing.

Harry and Zayn stripped down and headed into two of the showers. It wasn’t long before Niall showed up one over from Harry.

"You excited?" Niall asked, looking straight up into the water, his eyes closed.

Harry sighed, knowing he was talking to him, “I guess.”

Niall was quick to shower, where as Harry liked to stand around for awhile. Niall finished, wrapped a towel around his waist and walked up to Harry once again.

"I just want to thank you for everything. I’m probably never going to see you ever again. You’ve helped me over come so much and I probably wouldn’t be leaving tomorrow if it weren’t for you. So just, thanks, a lot."

They shared a smile and Niall patted Harry’s bare back before he headed out. Harry sighed, running his hands through his hair as the water rushed through it.

He felt Zayn’s hands wrap around his waist but didn’t move. Zayn’s lips pressed against his neck softly, not pulling back for awhile.

"What’s bothering you?" Harry shrugged, "Shouldn’t you be excited, you’re getting out of here."

Harry turned around and faced Zayn. His hand felt up his chest, resting on his sternum. He curled his fingers in slowly.

"Are you upset you’re not going?" Harry finally asked.

Zayn shrugged, “I mean I’d like to get out of here but a few months ago I snuck a line of coke, there was no way they were letting me out.”

Harry nodded, letting Zayn kiss his neck some more. Zayn’s kisses got harder and harder, nibbling at his skin and pressing up against Harry more. Harry had to push him off, looking over Zayn’s shoulder to see Louis and another guy from the wing still showering, the bunch of the others at the sinks shaving.

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