Beck glanced around, his hesitance brief. "Sure. Come on, Summer."

Summer couldn't help feeling even more triumphant over Dawn. Biji was right; Dawn was jealous. Summer took Beck's hand when he offered it and ventured onto the dance floor with him.

She felt none of his magick, and her first attempt to keep up with the dance moves failed. She looked at one of the other girls and tried to mimic the movements. Her own lightness on her feet helped keep the situation from getting too awkward, but she wasn't comfortable.

"I got your notes," she said, looking up at Beck.

"Notes," he said. "Okay."

"They were nice," she said. "It's the reason I came."

His brow furrowed. "I meant to talk to you about that."


"I, uh, got your notes, too."

Summer waited, puzzled by his words. She'd written no notes to him, only passed back the first one, as it instructed.

"And the video," he said, face reddening. "You look very nice in your ... um, but uh, I'm kind of—"

"What video?" she asked.

"I don't think you meant to forward it to everyone, but we all got it," he said. "Look, I'm flattered, I really am—"

"What video?"

"The one of you undressing. Good footage, of course, but probably not something you should've put on YouTube."

Summer stopped in place. Beck looked nervous. A roaring was filling her ears, and her face felt hot enough to explode.

"I'm with Dawn, so I'm sorry I can't really, you know, hook up," he said. "I'm really sorry. You're a great girl. And I have to say, the video was like, wow. We were looking at it again on the ride over. It's kind of cool that you sleep naked."

"Who all saw it?" she managed.

"Everyone. The link went out to all of us on our school email accounts."

"Hi, guys," Dawn said, approaching them. She struck a pose then made a kissy-face at Beck, who pecked her on the lips. "Don't you like Summer's dress? She found it in a trash can and fixed it up."

"It's, ah, nice."

"Did you tell her?"

"Yes, we were just talking about it," Beck said. "Only one girl for me."

Dawn batted her eyelashes at him and maneuvered between them.

"I'm sorry, but he's taken, Summer. No more videos, okay?"

Summer stepped back, unable to register exactly what happened. She looked around, feeling cold. All the guys in the room were staring at her, a few snickering. She felt exposed standing in the middle of the dance floor. Not only had everyone seen her very public snub from Beck, but they'd all seen her naked.

Someone set her up. Staring at the two dancing, she couldn't help thinking it was Dawn.

Summer moved out of the spotlight and bumped into one guy then strode towards the door. Everyone seemed to be staring at her, ridiculing her. Her tears held until she reached the outdoors. The patio was open and empty, and she sat down, devastated.

In one night, her paradise had been destroyed. No one would want anything to do with her after this! Amber would send her away, back to the orphanage, for a video she had nothing to do with. Even if they didn't, how could she live in a place where everyone was laughing at her?

"Hey. Uh, can I ask you something?"

She wiped her tears away hastily at the sound of Beck's voice and rose to face him.

"You didn't send the video, did you?"

She shook her head.

"Or the notes?"


He appeared troubled. "That sucks. I owe you an apology, then."

"It's okay. I'm used to people messing with me." Summer crossed her arms, chilled in the evening air.

"I've got a list of girls a mile long who want to dance with me, but if you want to go back inside, you'll be the first," he offered. "I don't know what happened, but I'll make it up to you." A note in his voice told her he suspected he knew what happened.

"No thanks," she said. "I'll probably just take a shuttle ride back to the dorms."

"Well, if you change your mind, come on back inside."

"Thanks, Beck."

He flashed his famous smile and turned away, disappearing into the resort. While she appreciated his words, any affection she felt for him was gone. He'd all but helped humiliate her.

She always ended up alone. Summer gazed at the forest, hurting more than she could remember. The two weeks at the new school had lulled her into believing this time would be different. She'd lowered her guard, begun to accept that she might fit in here. She'd even taken her jewelry box out of her suitcase and set it on the dresser.

I should've gone with Decker. Her instincts had told her as much. But even he might've seen the video. She wasn't sure how she'd face him, if so.

Heart aching, Summer sniffed back more tears and walked towards the dock. The forest was alive with night sounds around her, the air even colder next to the lake. She sat on the edge of the dock, hugging her knees in an attempt to keep warm.

"Shouldn't you be dancing with Beck?"

She squeezed her eyes closed at Decker's voice. His step was light on the wood of the dock.

"Why are you crying?" The sarcasm left his voice.

"I owe you an apology, Decker."

"Don't bother. You made your choice."

Summer twisted to see him a few feet away. His magick brushed by her, comforting with its dark-heat sensations. She rose, and he turned to leave.

"Decker, I mean it. I made a mistake."

"I take it something bad happened. I'm not going to be a back-up plan."

"I don't want you to be," she said. "I'm not asking anything of you. Just apologizing."

He was silent, though he didn't leave.

"And I hope you didn't see the video," she added quietly. "Did you?"


More tears rose. Decker's magick was just out of reach, and she was alone again, cold and alone.

"You've been the only person who's been decent to me. You and Biji. I'll miss you when they send me away," she whispered.

"They won't send you away."

"They always do."

He faced her, his features hidden by darkness.

"Would you dance with me, Decker? One last dance?" she ventured, wanting to feel his magick through her again.


His rejection crushed hermore than Beck's, more than Dawn's carefully executed humiliation. Summer'sthroat was tight. She nodded in understanding, wishing she could go back to thehallway the day before and accept his offer of taking her to the dance.    

Dark Summer (Book I, Witchling Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon