Chapter 2

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(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

Phone Conversation:

Me: So hon, we're back from the honey moon

Kelly: Oh girl that's great! Where did he take you?

Me: To the Caribbean, we traveled through loads of islands it was just great!

Kelly: Oh that's is so sweet!

Me: My man knows I love a beach! Oh and we also took a trip on a fancy boat!

Kelly: Oh that's so nice! Sex on a boat!

Me: Lol, loads of sex

Kelly: So are you guys planning on having a child?

Me: Oh, no, no, no! Hell no!

Kelly: Damn! that's a lot of no!

Me: Look, I just need to figure some stuff out, I think I need your help

Kelly: With what?

Me: You'll see, can you meet me at the station in five minutes?

Kelly: Sure hon, be right there

Me: Love you!

I hang up the phone and started changing to meet Kelly, the thing is, she was great in solving crimes and just after I got back from the Caribbean with my husband we had to go to another murder's scene, same place, same way as 5 other people. Now somehow those cases give me a chill on my spine, seems like it has John's finger on it and I'm determined to find out. So since Kelly is a great crime solver, the best at the department I called her to see if we can pull some of the files from the last murders and find out who did this.

'Hey boo!' she said to me as we greeted in her office 'So what's up?'

'It's about the last murders'

'I'm not on that case, I'm working on something else, why are you involving me?'

'Because Kelly you're the best in the department and I need your help!'

'Kiss ass' She said laughing 'Alright, alright, I'll help you, but what do you need to know?'

'Who did this and if the 5 people have a connection, maybe we can stop the next murder'

'Alright, sounds like an adventure! Let's get to work!' We pulled out the files from all the murders from the last few months.

The victims were: 

Leo Colt (Dead September 4th, 2013)

Mary Chase (Dead October 4th, 2013)

Natalie Fox (Dead November 4th, 2013)

Harold Finn (Dead December 4th, 2013)

Micheal Finn (Dead January 4th, 2014)

'You see a connection?' Kelly asked me

'Well, they were all killed in the same day, it's like they chose to kill a person per month! We just have to investigate if this people have a connection when they were alive, there are two victims with the same last name, so i'm guessing they were related'

'Are you saying that the next victim might die on the next upcoming 4th?'

'It's more likely'

'Why 4 tho?' Suddenly my stomach dropped, 4 was my lucky number, it was my favorite number, John probably knew that

'I don't know' I said dismissing 'But we gotta keep one eye on that same place the victims were found on the February 4th.'

We said our goodbyes after a long morning of work, my head was spinning, it didn't make sense just yet, but it would, I know it would. He's playing with my mind, he wants me to find something that eventually it's gonna come to him.

I asked Kelly to keep what we're doing quite, especially from Shawn, I don't want him to know what I'm up to. I know our relationship is going too well to ruin it with this, but it's something I have to do, like we said before we could stop someone from being killed again, right on the 4th.

It's just what I have to do.


Is Bey going to find out what she wants to? Or is she gonna get in trouble again?

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