Chapter 3: Heart Vacancy

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Chapter 3 guys! I hope you guys liked the last chapter with so many feels I gave you!!! It's Leo's turn now!!!! Hope you like it!!


Song choice: Heart Vacancy by The Wanted

Leo's POV

A week later after the party for us (The Seven), I have been getting to know Reyna better. Her favorite color is purple, her favorite candy is jellybeans and she is very specific about her jellybeans, she has two automatron Greyhounds named Argentum & Aurum. I'm not really sure if Reyna & I are dating or not because of what happened last Friday. I think she was just using me as a leverage to try and get over Jason. I really like her but I think she still has feelings for Jason.

I hear your heart cry for love

But you won't let me make it right

You were hurt, but I decided

That you were worth the fight

Every night, you lock up

You won't let me come inside

But the look in your eyes, says that I can turn the tide

I was meeting up with her in the woods in our secret hiding place. Even though she forgave me for the burn mark on her waist, I still feel horrible. So I got her a present to say I'm sorry for the 100th time this week. In the distance, I saw a familiar purple toga in the distance swiftly moving with anger and rage. Behind her I saw a SPQR shirt and a blonde haired kid wearing it. Oh great, what did Jason do this time? I ran up to the situation, dropping the picnic basket and blanket on a bench.

"Jason, I just got over you and you're trying to go behind Piper's back with this?! No, my answer is no!" "But Reyna, I thought this is what you wanted." "When you were single. You're asking me to date you when you're dating Piper." "Piper and I are on a break since we got into a fight, okay?" "You're still in a relationship with her, Jason! There was no break up!!" "Reyna, please. I'm trying to make you happy." "Well it's too late for that! Someone else made me happy when you broke my heart into a million pieces!!! I'm done with you, Jason! So just leave me alone." Jason turned away, head hung low, and walked away from Reyna. Reyna also had her head hung low, she was crying again. Maybe the picnic should wait awhile.

In your heart, In your heart, In your heart

I can tell you can fit one more

In your heart, In your heart, In your heart

I don't care who was there before

Later that night after dinner, the idea of the picnic came back to me. I went to my cabin, got the basket and headed to Reyna's villa to ask if she wanted to try the picnic idea again. When I knocked on the door, no one answered. I looked in the window and I saw Reyna throwing her belongings on the ground again. She screamed something in Latin or Roman, I don't really know. I remembered where she said the spare key was. I grabbed it and opened the door. As soon as my foot stepped onto the tile kitchen floor, a vase came at least 2 inches past my face into the wall next to me. She gasped at the thought of almost putting me in a coma, or worse. I closed the door and grabbed her by the shoulders, trying to keep her from sitting in a glass picture frame. She cried into my shoulders. I told her what I heard earlier this afternoon. She said she was sorry, but I said it was ok. She didn't believe me. "Leo, I could've killed you! That is not okay!" Reyna shouted crying back into my shoulders. I lead her to her bedroom where she can at least sit down. What was I gonna do?

Leyna Songfics! {EDITING}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant