chapter 6- reconnaissance

Start from the beginning

James nodded, impressed. Never before was such a big Payment offered to him. "You really want someone dead, my friend."

He held his hand up,"payment up front." Ryker froze. This was too good to be true, an offer like this never happened in Ryker line of work. Never.

"What's the catch." He asked.

"You don't kill your target."

Well this guy must've been the God of confusion. Because James was just that. "Let me get this straight. You're dropping about a half a million dollars, and enough drachmas to level the wealth of certain gods. Yet my blades won't strike blood."

The hooded figure nodded. Smiling and closing the book on his lap. "Precisely. I want you to figure out who your target is with, where is he going and why, basic recon and intelligence work."

"Hold on. I can't really stuff hundred thousand drachmas in my pocket, though!" James exclaimed. The hooded figure looked taken aback like he had forgotten something. And dug what look to be a red credit card out of his cloak and pointed it toward the sum of money, who began to glow and get sucked into it, which he then tossed to Ryker.

"Card is kind of like a touch screen. Just tap how much of what currency you want and it'll appear to you." James nodded inspecting it, "neat. Who's my target?"

The hooded figure walked down the stairs from which atop sat his throne and handed him a picture of a black haired,sea green eye boy.

"Percy Jackson. Heard of him?"

Ryker nodded. "Yeah some big shot son of the sea god, although currently the sea gods name is escaping me."

"Not one for the names of the gods and goddesses, are you Ryker?"

Ryker shrugged and stuffed the picture in his pocket. "My language is money, and or rare, powerful items.." He smiled back at him crossing his arms. "I guess you don't know who I am do you?"

Ryker shrugged again, "don't know. Couldn't care. Who ever you are though I'm guessing you are going to war against Olympus.. That's quite an army out there."

"Quite right you are, Mr. Ryker. Although I doubt you care for it." He said walking back to his throne.

"Couldn't if I tried."

"Mm, well report back to me when you find out." He said sitting back down opening his book. Ryker nodded. "Alright. Only thing is, if he comes at me,I'll kill him."

James blinked and suddenly his back was to a pillar, pain surged through his body and a steel blade was pressed against his neck. Ryker had no idea what happened. It was like time blipped or something.

"You will do no such thing. No harm shall befall my son from you, James Ryker, am I understood?"

Ryker groaned. Again noticing the blade,"son of a bitch. You even got the damn blade. Fine. No harm...wait, son? I thought Pos...Pos....ah whatever the fuck his name is was his dad. You don't smell like the sea."

The hooded figure dropped Ryker and the blade disappeared from his hand. "I am not going to indulge in that history right now, James. Oh one more thing." He tossed an item at James which hr caught and inspected. A black and silver ring with a small pearl that shimmered a faint white light.

"Usually people get down on one knee." James mused. The hooded figure sighed and crossed his arms. "That's a soul ring. Which you can keep. Inside the pearl is a trapped demigod soul. Slip the ring on and you' get it."

Ryker grinned. His job ability just extended into places he originally couldn't go. He nodded back to him and walked out, and the last thing he heard from the mysterious man was;

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