Yusepha and Zayn: Drama Class.

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Yusepha and Zayn:

''That's it for today. We'll carry on tomorrow.'' the Drama teacher said. Yusepha stood up and collected her stuff.

She picked up her bottle of water and went outside, leaving the bottle open.

She looked behind her as she left and she accidentally bumped into someone.

''I'm so sorry!'' she said, looking at the wet patch on the boy's chest.

''It's fine, it's fine. At least it wasn't hot.'' he looked up at her. She had light brown hair and green eyes. She was nearly as tall as him.

''I didn't mean to!'' she said, biting her lip. He laughed.

''It's fine!''

''How can I make it up to you?'' she asked.

''First of all, tell me your name.''

''I'm Yusepha. You?''

''I'm Zayn.'' he replied, his gorgeous brown eyes twinkling. Then he continued speaking.

''Second of all, to make it up to me, come on a date with me.''

Yusepha laughed at him. ''Really? You want me to come on a date?''

''Yeah, is there a problem?''


''Good. I'll pick you up...Wait, where do you live?''

''I live on Elm Street. Number seven.''

''Okay then. I'll pick you up at seven, Okay?''

''Yep! Sounds good.'' she smiled at him.

''I've gotta go. See ya later.'' Zayn said to her. She nodded.

''Okay. Bye Zayn. Sorry again.'' she turned and left, leaving Zayn watching her.

# Later #

''I'm going now Mum! Bye!'' Yusepha called, shutting the door and walking after Zayn.

''You look great.'' he told her. She blushed, her normal talkative, loud self, hiding away.

''Thanks. So do you.'' she smiled at him.

While they were ordering, Zayn kept on watching her.

''What are you looking at?'' she asked him, giggling.

''Nothing. Your pretty face,'' he said simply. Then he continued:

''Would you mind being my girlfriend?''

''Hmm...Is this to make up for what I did to your shirt? Or do you really want me to?'' she asked him.

''I want you to.''

''Then yes, I will.'' she grinned at him.

''Great. I really like you.'' he said.

''I really like you too.'' she replied.

''Then we're a perfect match, right?'' he winked at her.

Yusepha nodded, agreeing. They certainly were.


Heey! Hope you liked it! I picked at a theatre group thing because you said Drama (I know what you meant by being a Drama Queen. I did understand ;D Some people call me that too :P) and I was like, yeah, Drama, theatre... :) Oh and why do we always get Zayn One shot requests? It's either him or Harry :)

Let me know if you did! :D

-Amber x

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