Chapter 16

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Cameron POV:

Cuddy came to find me because she had some news.

Yes, more news.

Usually when Cuddy wants to see me, it's because there's something going on.

I was to take her place and be the "deputy" at the hospital, while she took care of her new baby at home.

Cuddy had adopted a baby, well, because she had wanted to be a mother for months.

I understood how overwhelming it was to have a newborn for the first time.

Crying, whining, just normal things a baby would do.

So, I just accepted.

But I just knew that me agreeing had some consequences.

And the consequences were pretty major.

It was me, dealing with House.

The struggles Cuddy usually faces him everyday is what I would have to go through.

I promised myself that I would try not to fall into his little games.

So, I stayed in Cuddy's office, and he saw me.

He knew he'd have to deal with me this time.

So, there was a new case.

A special education teacher whose platelet have been misshapen, which had explained why the blood wasn't clotting properly in her body.

House thought that for treatment, it was best to do a total body irradiation.

So, he asked me for permission to do so.

I agreed, but I didn't realize this was a test.

He didn't do the irradiation after all.

A cardiac arrest had occurred.

Again, I was asked if an ice bath would help the patient.

Cuddy had conforted me for approving the body irradiation that, of course, didn't happen.

I had really only accepted so I could keep House under control.

House was bluffing, which was noticeable.

Approving the ice bath, was me, not thinking straight again.

I only approved the ice bath after a blood test is confirmed.

Foreman thought I was playing a game with House for my approvals.

House needed to be present during the ice bath, but the patient was suffering during the process.

House went on again, thinking she had brain damage.

See, he never stops!

I had a problem saying yes to everything House wanted, even removing the skull of the patient.

Where was my head?

I immediately ran in to stop the procedure.

Everyone except me can say no to House, so that's why I cannot handle this job.

So I went to go visit Cuddy and her baby to simply tell her I couldn't do this anymore.

Cuddy was the only one who could handle House's craziness better than anyone.

And me, well, had a problem with liking damaged people.

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