Chapter 8

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Cameron's Flashback:

I had heard he was a idiot and a jerk.

But, I wanted to see how it was like.

Going into the big open room with other candidates.

Including myself...

Then there he was.

My first impression of him was seeing his cane.

He tested all of us.

Medical questions and strategies.

We had it all.

After a day, people had quit.

Then there was only a few of us.

We had to participate in different cases.

That was so that he could see the potential we all had.

Out of twenty candidates, I survived.

"Cameron, you're in" he told me.

"I'm what?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear me, Dr. Cameron. You are in"

He also called on Dr. Chase and Dr. Foreman.

That was my first impression of them too.

And that's when it all star

When I met Chase, it wasn't love at first sight.

It was more like three years until anything happened between us.

Well, if you were to count the time when I was high.

And this memory ingrained into my head.

All the people from House's new team came to talk with us.

And of course, they came to discuss with us about him.

There was a sudden topic about House that had came out.

And yes, It had to do with me.

"Did you ever sleep with House?" Chase asked in front of anyone.

"That's none of your business" I replied.

And to answer the questions, I never did.

We only went on one date, in which, absolutely nothing happened.

It's not like it mattered anymore.

But why would he asked me that?

Jealously was probably the answer.

You could really tell by the way he acted.

Or maybe it was because I was kind of distant.

He had a reason to be upset.

I guess I hadn't been spending enough time with him or something.

And I had to do something about it

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