Chapter 9

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Cameron POV:

After our little meeting with the team, I walked over to Chase.

"What is wrong with you" I asked him.

"So, now you want to ask?" He responded in an upset tone.

"Asking if I had an affair with House in front of everyone else! Seriously!"

"I thought everyone had known about how you felt about him already, so why not"

"I'm sorry I have been so distant."

"Allison..I" I interrupted Chase.

"No, it's my fault, so I am sorry. What can I do?" I looked at him.

"Go out with my tonight" he said.

"Okay, I am accepting. Meet me at the E.R when you would like" I smiled.

He smiled, kissed my cheek, and walked off.

I'm glad that Chase and I cleared things up.

He understood that I'm simply over House!

Everyone here just needs to just see that.

I am perfectly fine by the way things are.

I learned everything I needed to know from House.

So I had to go, move on, and use the strategies I learned from him somewhere else.

Chase ended up meeting me at the E.R in the evening.

I was told I was responsible for taking care of end of the day work.

"Here I am" he said as he walked in.

"I am ready" I said, as I walked out of the room.

We walked out into the lobby.

When things had an unexpected turn.

"There she is."

And yes, he came back.

Remember the boy that bit Chase's arm.

Well he came back.

"I brought you something" he said with a bouquet of flowers.

I honestly thought he'd go away forever after his sister went home.

How did he recognize me?

I had brown hair when he first had seen me.

Well I guess I can never disguise myself.

"Where's your parents" I asked him.

"Oh I came by myself" he told us.

Chase was creeped out, I could just tell.

I let the front desk know to call the police.

Because this kid came to the hospital to see me, just like that.


And it just so happened that today is Tuesday!

It's Tuesday! (Chameron fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now