"I wasn't going to." He whispers sending some strange feeling through my body.Dis he really just say that? I couldn't help but think about how it'd feel if Zayn were the one holding me right now. 

"Thank you." I say.

"For what?"

"For caring without you even knowing me. I've never met someone that does that." I explain and he nods with his chin on my head. He feels like the brother I've never had. 

"Is it about that guy again?" He asks. I nod into his chest.

"Yeah." I sob when I think back of that.

"We kissed again. When he wanted more, I told him I wasn't ready for that and he was so rude. Just so rude." I whisper trying to fight back the tears. Why do I always feel the need to cry when I talk about things that happened to me. It's obnoxious. 

"He clearly doesn't about other people's feelings." He says and I know he's right. The only person Zayn cares for and thinks of is himself. 

"But how do I get over these feelings for him? My mind won't listen if my heart keeps feeling this way." I sigh pulling back from the hug. He nods and thinks over his next words. 

"You've got to let him go, Abigale. Use the strength you put into crying over him, to get over him. I swear, when he sees you don't care anymore, he'll regret everything." 

How could he be so sweet? 

"What do you think you're doing?" I look confused at first because I don't get why he would say that but than I realise he didn't. My head snaps to my right to see Zayn standing there. He doesn't look amused by the scene in front of him. How long has he been here? Aron quickly takes a step backwards creating a bigger space between the two of us. 

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" Aaron asks awkwardly. Wait, Aron knows Zayn? I didn't see that one coming. I can see on Aron face that he realises that Zayn is the one I was talking about. He seems shocked. 

"I think I should ask you that question and why you're here with her." Zayn says pointing towards me rudely. I see his black horse behind him tied to a tree. He must have followed me. I should've known he'd disturb my only moment of peace if given the chance. 

"Did you follow me?" I ask scraping my throat when I hear how bad it sounds. The crying is taking it's toll. Zayn notices the state I'm in. 

"What did you do to her?" Zayn suddenly growls threateningly nearing Aron. Why is he acting like her cares? 

Aron throws his hands up in surrender. "I've done nothing mate. You're the one to blame." He replies calmly. 

Zayn looks at me confusedly and I slowly nod confirming Aron's words.

"Leave. Now." Zayn raises his voice while glaring at Aron. 

Aron turns on his heel ready to leave but I grab his arm causing him to stop. Who does Zayn think he is? 

"He isn't going anywhere." I tell Zayn with a scowl.

"Yes, he is. Aron, leave." Zayn threatens again. Aron pulls himself from my grip quickly walking away from us. This is wrong in many ways. 

"He owns me." Zayn speaks up after a while, observing me intensely. I cross my arms over my chest showing him that I had no interest in engaging a conversation with him. 

"Why were you crying?" He asks. I turn around walking towards the horse when a strong hand grabs ahold of my wrist pulling me back.

"What is your problem?" I snap trying to get out of his grip but he doesn't budge. He's so frustrating. 

"Why do you ignore my question?" He argues, narrowing his eyes at me. 

"Stop being such a jerk!" I yell. My sudden outburst doesn't seem to faze him at all. He must be used to girls saying that. 

"Why were you crying?" He repeats himself, clearly getting annoyed by my lack of answer. 

"How can you be so fucking blind?" I yell in frustration trying to get away from him but his grip on my wrist only tightens. Eventhough his touch isn't gentle, still a shiver runs down my spine. I hate the effect he has on me.

"You're not leaving until you tell me." He states.

"Your sisters are alone. Let me go." I hiss, trying yet another time to get out of his grip but failing miserably.

"Just fucking tell me!" Zayn yells loudly causing me to flinch. Tears well up in my eyes and this time I can't hold them back. I hate how agressive he can be and how scared it makes me. 

"Don't cry." He says in a demanding tone. Not a hint of compassion visible. He's heartless. 

"You really don't get it, don't you? You've got no clue what you're doing to me, what you're putting me through.  You like playing with people's feelings and congratulations, it works. I hate how you make me feel. I want you to leave me alone and get over..." I stop mid-sentence realising what I'm about to say. I quickly try to cover it up. "You wouldn't care anyways."

"Get over what, Abigale. End your sentence." He demands. He's being so disrespectful and rude and I can slap myself for liking this demanding side to him. 

"No. You wouldn't care, trust me. I got to go." I try to walk away once more and when he still doesn't let me go the idea of slapping him comes to mind. He'd definitely deserve it, but I decide to be the better person in all of this. 

"Tell me." He isn't giving up. 

"I just hate that I don't know where I stand with you. You're so mean and hurtful, but still everytime I'm alone my mind wanders back to you." I admit looking away from him. I do not want to see the look on his face after telling him that. Anytime now he could start laughing in my face, I can feel it coming. 

It stays silent for a while and just when I start wondering if he might has walked away, my chin is being pulled up and a pair of lips meet mine. Our lips mould together and I hate myself for giving in yet again. I know I'll always have this weak spot for him and I hate it and love it at the same time.

I feel myself getting lost in the kiss, but just before it got even more heated he pulls back. What was he trying to say by kissing me back? I'm confused. 

"I don't date or any crap like that." He says, taking me by surprise.

What does he mean with that? Is he saying that there'll never be something between the two of us? I should've known he didn't want that. Who would treat someone this poorly if they liked them? I feel so stupid, yet again he has used me, crushing the last bit of hope I had. 

"I quit." I tell Zayn. I don't bother yelling anymore, I've had enough. The arguments we shared have already worn me out and I can't bring myself to start another one. I just want to go home. 

"Quit what?" He looks confused.

"Being the nanny." I reply not wanting to meet his eyes. I don't want to see the satisfaction on his face of finally getting me to quit. 

"No, you're not." He states as I now look up to meet his eyes. He seems determined which confuses me even more. 

"I can't do this anymore." I murmur turning on my heel to go back to the house. I've got to pack my suitcase and gather my things. I'd also have to let Mrs. Malik know that I'm quitting. I'm scared of her reaction but it's what I've got to do. For my own well being. 

"Fuck." I hear him curse. "Abigale." I look behind me once more, realising it could be the last time.

"Just because I don't date, doesn't mean I haven't got feelings for you." 


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