The fear of loving

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The night was amazing spending time with Gray is the best thing in the world. He is the best thing that has happened to me so far.

We ended our night at ben and jerry to get ice cream. I ordered a chocolate ice cream and Gray ordered a superman one. We spent the night together, Addy, Ethan Aaron, Grayson and I. It was the best thing i ever did. But now it's time to say goodbye.

We got home it was 2Am. We were all very tired.

"I'm sleepy." Grayson said,
"Go upstairs i'll join you in a second." I said leaving a kiss on his cheek.

I made my way to the living room to say something to Addy. When i got there Ethan and her were making out. Cute.
"I have to go, bye Callie." Said Aaron,
"Bye Aari love you!" I hugged her then she left.

I didn't wanted to disturb Ethan and Addy so i got upstairs very fastly. I wash my face off and joined Grayson in my bed. He was already asleep. I got under the sheets and laid my head on his chest.

The next morning...

I woke up to a bacon smell, did Gray made me breakfast?

I stood up and tied my hair, i put a pair of joggings and a sport bra on then went downstairs.

"Good morning!" Said Ethan smiling.
"Morning!" I smiled.

I wrap my arms around Grayson's waist and peck his shoulder.
"Morning babe"
"Morning Gray." I turned around to face Ethan." So are you and Addy a thing?"

Ethan's face went red. "I don't - i- I don't know. She doesn't like me.. I'm not good enough-"

"Hey Ethan!" Addy said with a huge smile on her face. She hugged him and kissed his cheeks.
"Addy i-" he said pushing her away.
"Oh... Okay I have to go back home and i-
"No please stay!" He pleaded.
"Ethan you just rejected me and you want me to stay now pff-"
"Addy, I. We drank a lot last night and I thought you were drunk and that you didn't know what you were doing..."
"Ethan i- i think i may have feelings for you.."" she said out of nowhere. I am shooken.

WHOAAAAA Addy having feelings for someone? Impossible. Addy is having feelings for Ethan oh my god i never thought that day would happen. She hates feelings, love and all that stuff. Why? It's a long story, but let me explain you.

Back in 9th grade she dated Dave a blonde boy, dark blue eyes. He was a beautiful human , close to perfection. They had the best relashionship ever. They were always together and they wouldn't care of what people think about them. She was in love.. He treated her the right way, always there for her. Addy was still a virgin and one day at a party she drank a lot. He took her home and took "care" of her. He start recording and asked her if she was virgin, she said yes. He smiled. Dave ripped her clothes and took her bra and panties off he took his clothes off and start kissing her. She tried to push him away and to cover her naked self but she couldn't move. He raped her and used her as his object, for his own pleasure. He disgusted me and Addy didn't liked it at all. He recorded the whole thing and showed the tape to all the 9th graders even me. Everyone was laughing at her, making fun of her but i was still there for her. Since that day she was scared of loving. She gave him her virginity and she wasn't even consented. Once she even tried to kill herself because Dave ruined her life and nobody would love her anymore and she wouldn't be able to love anymore. She told me that she wouldn't ever be able to give her everything to someone else than Dave because she already gave him her everything. He stole her first kiss, her virginity, her ability to love, her reputation, her confidence and her heart. A month later i decided to tell the police. I showed them the video and in the same week they arrested Dave. I never thought she would be able to love again..

"Ethan can i talk to you a second?" I ask.

I took his hand and drag him downstairs. I told him the whole thing about Addy and Dave. He was in tears and i felt really bad for him so i hugged him.

"Woah, you are a good friend Callie thank you for telling me. I just think i may have feelings for her. But I don't want to go too fast, i want to get to know her. I am a heartbreaker, I am dangerous for her. I don't want to hurt her so please tell her to slow down.. Please."

"I will" i gave him a hug and walked away. I went upstairs and took a shower. Ten minutes later someone got in the bathroom..

"No it's Grayson."
"Gray what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you."
"But Gray I'm naked!"
"I don't care, i want to see your face."

I open the curtains a little and stick out my face.
"You happy?"
"Yeah let me take a pic!" He took a picture and kissed me.

"Now get out!"
This kid..
I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Grayson joined me.
"Hey babe!" He said.
"I am leaving today."
"What!? No please stay. I don't want you to leave!"
"But i have to i'll come back in a month"
"But whyyyy!"
"I am on a world tour and tomorrow Ethan and I are flying to montreal in Canada."
"I want to come with you!"
"I wish you could but you can't."
"Why not?"
"Our manager don't even want our mom to come. Why? She is a distraction. The only person that can be there is my sister, Cameron." He gave me a hug and i started to tear up.
"I don't want you to go." I cried.
"Callie what are you talking about? Where is he going." Asked Addy.
"They are both leaving us tonight for a month."

"What!? Already? Nooooo!" She sat down and start crying. Oh poor Addy.

Ethan came in the living room and saw Addy crying on the ground.
"Hey Addy what's wrong?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you were leaving me tonight?"
"I promise i'll come back!"
"I won't handle it." She cried and took Ethan's hand.

Ethans pov

Fuck i am so bad with this, i don't know what to do right now. Fucking shit!
I wraped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. She is so beautiful. But she look so sad. I wish i could stay longer....

Yooo this book is really trashy fml but hey, thank you so much for 150 views! Ily all peace💓

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