From the internet?

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"Addy wait for meeeee!"
"I'll wait for you only if you stop being on your phone and ignore me."
"My baaaad!" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Yeah your bad. And you better not do this again!"
"Do what?"
"Rolling your eyes at me bitch!"
"Hahaha i love you Add" she rolled her eyes at me.

We got to my house and started to work on our english project.
"Addy that doesn't make any sens!"
"New York?"
"Why from the U.S?!"
"Um why not?"
"Our teacher said a place from Canada not from here"
"Ohh, oops!" She giggle.
"Oops? Now hurry up and find another place!"
"Why me?"
"Oh shut up!"
"Shut your phone!"
"Fine!" I rolled my eyes.

My phone buzzed and Addy looked at me.
"Alright" I said putting my phone back in my pocket.

We were working on Quebec in Canada for our project because we both love poutine and it's from there. Oh and by the way we both live in Los Angeles. What ever, who cares? Addy think i am annoying because i am always texting. Who? A boy that is super nice... And hot...... And he's 20. She doesn't know about him and i kinda feel bad that i never told her because she's my best friend. But i will tell her soon, very soon.

"Can we stop working on that stupid shit for a moment?"
"Umm, sure?" She furrowed her eyebrows.
"What?" I asked.
"Why do you want to stop working on the project?"
"It's just boring, i don't know?"

I took my phone and texted him.

To G💘
Me: Hey boo💘

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and i started gossiping about some bitches at our school.

"Omg you know Kayla?"
"Yea what?"
"I heard that she sucked Mr. Mill's dick to get a better grade!"
"I KNOW! I saw some videos"
"Noooo way! I wanna see them!"
"Omg she's a whore, are they leaked?"
"No, but we can backmail Mr. Mill to get a better grade?"
"Ohh you're right, but we won't!"
"Why not? It'll be fun!"
"No it's not right! He can loose his job because of us, get arrested for "raping" Kayla, because she will probably say some bullshit to defend herself. Something like: he forced me to do it! And Mill have kids and we will ruin his reputation for this, and I don't want to feel any guilt about this. I don't want to be the one who would have caused all that drama!"
"Well, okay, we won't "
"Good" i looked down.
"Hey Callie, are you okay?"
I loudly swallowed. "Yeah.. It's just that- never mind "
"Callie, you can tell me anything right? You're hiding nothing from me ....right?"
I looked in her eyes.
"Oh, you're hiding something from me am I right?" I nodded.
"Chill'" she faked a smile. "What is it?"
"It's nothing really important! But i am talking with some dudes...."
"He is 20 and-
"It's only two years! And he is super hot, he have a twin brother and he is from New Jersey."
"So you met him online?"
"From the internet, seriously?" I furrowed my brows.
"What if you have been catfished, what if he is not 20 but 57 and ugly? What if hes not form New Jersey but from Thailand or something!?What if he's fake and have already raped a girl? What if-
"STOP! Grayson is not like that!"
"So his names Grayson?" She crossed her arms and raised a brow.
"Yeah, his brother is named Ethan, Grayson and Ethan Dolan."
"They have facebook?"
"Yea we are texting from there"
"How did he get your number?"
"He tried to send a text to a girl he met in a bar but she gave him a fake number that turned out to be mine."
"So have you sent him pics of you?"
"How many?"
"A lot I don't know, every day"
"Show me a picture of him"

*shows the picture below*

Addy's eyes widened. "HOW IS HE SO HOT?!"
"Back off" i giggle
"For how long have you guys been talking?"
"Since 5 months now!"
"Chill, are you dating?"
"No, but i love him, he probably doesn't like me back.."
"Have you ever facetimed him?"
"Yeah couple times"
"Oh i think your good!" She smirked as I slightly smiled.

 Nudes// Grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now