We're gonna have fun

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I called Addy to tell her to come over.
"Hey Add!"
"Yooo what's good biatch!"
"Do you want to come over at 1:30 PM at my house?"
"O shit yeasss see you there!"
"K i will present you my friend Aaron there!"
"Perfect byyye!"
"Bye baby!"

I hang up and called Tyler.

Heyy its Tyler ya boy! Leave a message!
"Hey Tyler it's me, Callie. Can you come over today at 1:30pm if yes, call back and bring your ass love you!"

Tonight, were gonna have fun....



"ADDY! What are you doing here so early!"I said giving her a tight hug.
"So what kind of party are we doing!?"
"Calm down i invited 3 person, you, aaron and Tyler."
"WHAT?! I thought you were throwing a party!?"
"Calm yo pussy!"
"Alright if you ain't throwing that party I AM!"
"What, wait, what do you mean?" I said confused.
"Call ya friends tell em to arrive later!"
"What the fuck Addy"
"Give me your phone." I handed her my phone.

"Heyyyy it's me, Callie!" She said imitating my voice.
"Alright see you at 2"

"Hey Tyler!"
"Yeah finally be here at 2 k?"

"Alright follow me!"
She took my hand and drag me outiside, we got in her car then left.
We made our way to the dollar store, there we bought an aux. cord, red solo cups, balloons ping pong balls, inflatable donuts and pizza for the pool, duck tape, candies and little baskets.

We got out and went to the alcohol store there we got, vodka, lolita, beer and we already had achohol at my house so nothing else.

"Do you have an Iditenty piece on you?" An old lady ask me.
I handed her my driving license, she gave it back to me and gave me my drinks.

"Where are we going now?"
"To the fucking grocery store!" Said Addy.

We got maybe like 8 pizza, 3 pepperoni, 2 pineapple, 2 cheez and garlic and one all dressed. We got coke and pepsi, seven up soda and pretty much every flavour. We got some colourful beer. Chips, cheeze and salsa for nachos. And we got water balloons .

For a total of: 404,69$ fucking shit. (Dollar store, liquors and grocery store)

"I will make people pay 3$ to come at my party! I will have to pay someone to clean up and i want all the money i spent in this party back!" I said.
"Callie calm the fuck down!"

Fuck i hate her, she decided to throw a fucking party and I HAVE TO PAY! Fuck this shit dude.

We got back to my house and saw Aaron waiting outside.
Addy gave me a look. "Who the fuck is that bitch!"
"ADDY! Aaron I'm so sorry Addy is.."
"A bitch! So hello Aaron I am Addy, i'm so sorry i can be a total bitch sometimes." She giggled.
"Nice to meet you!" They shaked hands and we got inside.

We prepared everything, cleaned up the house, the pool, prepared the candies, the chips, liquors, sodas, balloons and pool toys. Addy made a beer pong game with the duck tape the solo cups and there were glowsticks everywhere on the floor. This party is going to be lit. We put Addy's playlist because she is a party girl. I think we are ready. We made a facebook page and shared it, send it to all my facebook contacts to EVERYONE. If you count, i send the message to 2000 persons... Oopsy.... But most of them are out of town and some of them are not even from the US. I even sent the message to Grayson.. Who knows? Maybe he'll show up! Haha, i'm so delusional.

Grayson pov

Callie❤️: Hey im throwing a party at my place at 7pm to 2 or 4 am idk😂. My address is  *** *******. Bring 3$ or u can't get in or u can bring 2$. WE ONLY LIVE ONCE AND THIS PARTY NEEDS TO BE LITTTTT! Bring ur swimsuit there's a pool ! (I send it to all my friend list)
Me: I don't even live in La😂
Callie❤️: I sent that shit to all my fl
Me: ik gtg love you bb

Since i have a show to do here, well in Los Angeles ,from 6 to 9 i will go to her party and bring Ethan. This is going to be lit as fuck.

"Ethan!" I called him.

"What's up" he said rushing in my room. He was only in boxers and covered in sweat.
"What are you doing!"
"Ethan i have to go  baby boy!" Said a feminine voice.
"Babbbe come over here." Said Ethan. I raised my brow.

A girl walked in and said"Oh you must be Grayson? I am Emily!"
"Hi Emily, i was hoping we could've mer in better conditions than this, i mean, after you fucked my bro and halfway dressed but it's fine I guess." She laughed so i did.

"Bye boys" she said waving.

"Byee..." I said. "Ethan our flight is in 10 minutes hurry up! And by the way after the show we are going to a party, Callie's party."

"Sick, um.. I'll go take a shower and get ready. You can go wait downstairs if you want."

"Sure be fast."

I went downstairs and scrolled through my phone this is when I finally found Callie's Instagram.

Okay long story short i told Callie I didn't have an IG, twitter, facebook and everything because I didn't wanted her ,on first day, to know that she was dating a famous boy. I wanted her to love me for me not for my fame. So yeah, and i will follow her now so she'll know i have an IG. Make sens? What ever.

I pressed the follow request button and waited.

"I'm ready!" Said Ethan rushing downstairs. 2 minutes later.
"Let's go!"

We called a cab fastly and got in the car.
"Newark-liberty airport please."
"On my way sir!" Said the man.

We made it to the plane and sat down. I vlogged the flight.

"What's up guys! We almost missed our flight. Shit. So since we have a show to do in
L.A right now we are flying there. Umm that's it see you in Los Angeles."
I shut the camera and closed my eyes.

Couple hours later...

"What's up guys" i said to the camera. "The show is over!"

"Ethan, call an uber." He obey and call one.

Callie pov
There is so many people. What the fuck. It's like the first time ever i party like this omg.

"I'm coming!" Addy took my hand and start dancing that's when a pair of large ass hands grabbed my waist. I immediately turned around and said: "BACK OFF I HAVE A BOYFRIEND !" But that face was so familiar to me...



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