1. Start

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Ages of Team:
Damian Wayne(Robin)-14
Jason Todd(Red Hood)-20
Dick Grayson(Nightwing)-22
Tim Drake(Red Robin)-17
Barbra Gordon(Batgirl)-22
Jaime Reyes(Blue Beetle)-15
Bart Allen(Kid Flash)-15
Garfield Logan(Beast Boy)-14
Conner Kent(Superboy)-23 (Physically)
Megan Morse(Miss Martian)-23
Virgil Hawkins(Static)-15
Cassie Sandsmark(Wonder Girl)-17
La'gaan(Lagoon Boy)-21
One Month Earlier
"It is good to have you back, Nightwing."
"It's good to be back, Kaldur."
Nightwing walked around the mountain, remembering the cave, back when Wally was still alive.
"I know you needed time to mourn Wally's death, I did too," said Kaldur.
"I-I still don't understand, but I have come to terms with Wally's death. It looks like you've done a good job here," said Nightwing.
"I insist that you take the mantle of leader back," replied Kaldur.
"You were always better Kaldur, we both know that. Wally knew that too," said Nightwing.
"Come old friend, the rest of the team wishes to see you after 10 months," said Kaldur, smiling.

        Both men walked to the living room and the whole team was waiting. Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, Red Robin, Wonder Girl, Miss Martian, Superboy, Static, Beast Boy, Batgirl and La'gaan. Both Bumblebee and Gaurdian had joined the Justice League, together. And Artemis, or Tigress now, was solo. She sometimes helped the team, but she was a lone wolf now. Tigress was feared among all black market industries, she put a stop to all illegal drug and human trafficking trade. Everyone had tried to convince Artemis to join the team, but Artemis needed to be alone, the team brought too many memories of Wally.

      Kid Flash broke the silence by speeding up to Nightwing and hugging him. Nightwing was surprised, but hugged him.
"This is so crash! Your finally back Nightwing! We all missed you," said Bart. He pulled back from the hug while Nighwting smiled.
"It is-crash, to be back," replied Nightwing.
"It's good to have you back, hermano," said Jaime.
"Welcome back, Nightwing," yelled Cassie.
"You are an honorable teammate, welcome back," said La'gaan.
"We missed you. I made cookies for all of us," said Megan, giving Nightwing a hug.
"Hey, welcome back," said Conner, with a small smile.
"Dude, your finally back," yelled Garfield, hugging Nightwing.

     Nightwing then walked up to Red Robin. He wasn't sure what to do, but Tim hugged him. Dick whispered in Tim's ear.
"I'm sorry for leaving."
"I forgive you. Please don't ever do that again. I don't know what I would do without you."
"I didn't know you cared, Red Robin."
"Are you kidding? When I first became Robin, you never stopped believing in me, so I never stopped believing that you would come back," whispered Tim.
"Thank you, frățior."
"What does that mean, in Romanian?" questioned Tim.
"It means, little brother," replied Nightwing.
"I love you, Nightwing, you're the best older brother anyone could ever have," said Tim.
"Awwwww, I love you too, little brother." They hugged for what seemed like an hour.
"Okay, hate to ruin the moment but, what the heck dudes! You're brothers!" yelled Beast Boy.
"Like real brothers, and Nightwing's Romanian, that's so crash!" yelled Kid Flash.
     Bart Allen, he knew every superhero's identity. Everyone agreed that Bart knowing everyone's identity was too dangerous. It was an invasion of privacy and if a villain got a hold of Bart, then the whole League would be screwed. So they had Miss Martian erase the parts of Bart's mind that knew everyone's alter egos. They also had to erase a little of Beast Boy's mind because he knew Nightwing's and Red Robin's identity from the time that Bart first came to the present.
"We're both adopted, but that doesn't matter," said Nightwing, smiling.
"So your adopted brothers and Nightwing is Romanian, noted," said Beast Boy.
"We are so getting closer to your real identities," said Kid Flash.
"You wish," replied Red Robin.

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