Chapter 4

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Author's Note:


Tysm for 60 reads! It really means a lot to know that you all are reading our fanfic! :D

80 reads and one vote for the next chapter? :D

Be prepared for absolute EPICNESS in this chapter!

Enjoy! c:


Harry Styles POV

I couldn't stop replaying that one moment in my mind for the rest of the day. I kept thinking about all of the possible reasons that she pulled away, and I couldn't focus on anything else.

The next day in History, I saw Toni. She sat in the very front of the room. She would look back every once in a while, but whenever she would make eye contact with me, she would quickly look away. I noticed that tears would form in her eyes when she looked at me. Was it something I had done?

When class was over, I started to walk over to her desk to ask her about what had happened yesterday, but Toni just shoved everything inside of her bookbag and rushed out the door, not even looking at me, much less giving me a chance to talk. It was quite depressing.

Before I had met Toni, I felt like life was hopeless. I was depressed and having suicidal thoughts, not sleeping for months. But when I met Toni, something about her turned everything around. I started thinking positively. I could actually sleep at night.

But when she had pulled away yesterday, everything shattered. I didn't sleep last night, I just lay on my bed, silently crying. I know it sounds weak, but you have no idea how difficult my life has been.

The rest of that day, I just sat in my classes, drowning out all of the noise, lost in my own thoughts. I decided that I would try to talk to her tomorrow and if she pushed me away, well, desperate times would call for desperate measures.


Toni Zimmerli POV

I went to bed happy that night. Everything seemed perfect, I had someone I could confide in, I was doing well in my classes, I hadn't caught Stacey having sex in our dorm room today.

I didn't dream about Harry that night. I dreamt of Cara. Not in a creepy way, just her and I doing fun things together, you know? She was just so sweet. I felt close to her. It was amazing being able to tell someone your feelings. I no longer cried myself to sleep or kept things to myself, I could share them with someone else who supported me.

When I woke up to my usual cat alarm clock, I slowly got up and got ready for my classes. I felt so much more relaxed.

As I walked down the hallway to my first class, I froze in my tracks. I had completely forgot about Harry. I couldn't continue avoiding him forever, what if he tried to talk to me again? What would I do?

I pondered the thought for a minute or two, took a deep breath, and walked into class. Harry wasn't there yet. Phew. I sat down at my usual desk in the front of the room and started to go through my notes to get my mind off of Harry.

Luckily, Harry didn't try to come and talk to me before class. I took notes as usual in class and dreaded the end of class.

When class ended, I knew that I wasn't ready to talk. I hastily gathered my notes and stuffed them in my bookbag. I was about to walk out of the door when I felt a familiar hand pull me back. I turned around to see Harry standing there. Tears started to cascade down my face as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" he said, wiping the tears off of my face with his large hands.

But that just made me cry even more. My father used to say those exact words to me. It was just too much for me to handle right now. I needed to have some space.

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