Chapter 3

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Author's Note:



60 reads for the next chapter? :)

Anyways, leave any suggestions that you all have for the story in the comments! We really want to hear and include your ideas! Please read, share, vote, and comment!

Enjoy! :)


Toni Zimmerli POV

For some reason, I couldn't get Harry out of my mind the whole day. I could barely focus in class, as I was too busy picturing his perfect emerald green eyes, his adorable dimples, and his amazing smile. It was really difficult to actually pay any attention to what was happening throughout the rest of that day. When I drifted off to sleep, the last thought I had was of Harry.

He was just so perfect. I know I said that I thought that all boys are shallow and stupid, but I think Harry is an exception. Even though I barely know him, he is just so sweet and amazing.

All of my dreams that night were of Harry.

When my cat alarm woke me up with its obnoxious meow, I sat straight up and jumped out of bed. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Today, I put on a little more makeup than I usually would, I wanted to look my best for Harry. I don't know why I was so absorbed in him, especially after having only a single conversation with him. He was just so captivating.

I couldn't wait to go to History. I would never be excited about going to History, in fact, it's my worst subject. But it was the only class that I had with Harry, who I already missed, even though it had only been 24 hours since I had last seen him.

I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door, almost sprinting to History. I burst into the door, and I realized that I wasn't the only one there. I saw a guy wearing a green beanie sitting at a desk in the back, writing something down. When the door slammed, he turned around to see me standing there. A grin immediately appeared on his face.

"Hey Toni," he said, inviting me to sit next to him.

"Hi," I said, smiling as I set my bag down next to the desk and sat down. I was a little embarrassed, so I pretended to be putting some papers in order.

More students arrived and took their seats, chatting about who knows what. Once class started, I had a very difficult time paying attention, as my eyes kept drifting over to Harry, who would look back at me. I just couldn't stop staring into his bright green eyes, they were like an ocean, waiting to be explored. They were just so captivating and bright.

When the bell rang, I started to slowly pack up my things, I wanted to wait to talk to Harry without all of the usual blabbering of all of the other students. It seemed like Harry was doing the same thing. Professor Andriessen left the room and left Harry and I alone.

"So," I said awkwardly and I swung my bookbag over my shoulder.

"So," Harry repeated, grinning.

I didn't know what to say. I was just so amazed on how intriguing his appearance was, there were just so many interesting little details, such as his tattoos. I wondered what they all meant.

"Tell me a little about yourself," Harry said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Okay, um, I'm 18 and I was born and raised in San Diego." I really didn't know what else to tell him about, I didn't want to tell him about my dad or my mom and make him feel bad for me.

Before: A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now