Chapter 1

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Toni Zimmerli POV


My cat alarm clock went off. I rolled over and saw the time. 6 AM,

“Ughhh,” I groaned, putting my pillow over my head to drown out the noise. I started to drift off again when my mom yelled from downstairs.

“TONI! Get up off your lazy ass and get down here!”

“I’m COMING!” I yelled back, annoyed. I rolled over and fell off my bed and onto the floor.

Still half asleep, I got up off of the floor and stumbled down the stairs, rubbing my eyes.

“There you are, god you’re so damn lazy,” my mom said, shaking her head while she cooked some eggs.

“Wow. Really? On my first day of college? You can’t just be nice to me for one day?” I collapsed in a chair at the kitchen table, sighing. I was about to continue yelling at her, but I remembered that I would only have to put up with her for today. I would be moving into my own dorm room and she wouldn't be there to judge me or insult me. I can't wait for college.

My mom slid the plate across the table. I grabbed the salt and shook some on my eggs. Everything is better with a little salt… God, I sound like I’m in a commercial. I idly ate my eggs while my mom went to get in the shower. I sighed again and finished eating.

After I finished my eggs. I went upstairs to take a shower. I was surprised that I wasn’t very nervous for the first day of college. I was expecting to be shaking constantly and over thinking things, but I was actually quite relaxed. I washed my hair and body, running a razor over my legs to get rid of the stubble that had grown on my legs over the weekend. I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around myself. I then walked over to the mirror and looked at myself.

“You can do this, Toni. You can do this.” I point my finger at my reflection as I give myself a little pep talk. I was starting to get a couple of nerves about it. I mean, what if people don’t like me? What if I’m bullied? What if my teachers don’t like me? What if I fail all of my classes? I gasped. What if I get a bad roommate?

“Toni, stop,” I told myself, “You can do this. Just relax, everything will be just fine. Great, now I’m talking to myself.” I put my hair up in another towel and went into my room.

I put on a green t-shirt and some jeans, slipped a white hoodie over my head, and pulled on some mismatched socks and my lucky neon yellow Converse. I then brushed out my straight, brown hair and swept it up into a ponytail. I put on a little makeup, some mascara and a little eyeliner, I didn't want to look too preppy, but I wanted to look like I actually cared about what I looked like. Today was going to be a good day. I was sure of it… Maybe… I don’t know, I’m really indecisive… Oh well, at least I know that I’ll live.

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