Certain Death

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Akaashi and the other executives ran as fast as they could with their injuries, back to Karasuno using the underground tunnel system. Thoughts of guilt and worry plagued their minds as they slowed to a stop in front of the entrance to Karasuno. They all looked at each other before entering.

"You think they'll be okay?" Akaashi asked them, very concerned for Bokuto. Before anyone could answer, the door opened, revealing Kiyoko. She looked just as worried as the rest of them.

"There you guys are! Kenma told me everything! About you going to Shiratorizawa, about his systems getting hacked, about your injuries, everything." She hurried them all inside the agency, leading them to the infirmary. Kenma was there waiting for them, his face filled with worry and fear.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked them. Shimizu motioned to Oikawa.

"As you know, Oikawa has been poisoned, and since Snow White is weaker than Snake Bite, he'll need medical attention right away." Oikawa winced as she poked at the tender spot on his neck. She scrunched her nose. "Although Azumane-san gave you the antidote, this spot on your neck is still beginning to rot, along with your insides as well. 

"Snow White only slowed down the process, so that you wouldn't feel as much pain." Kiyoko brought Oikawa into one of the rooms at the infirmary, closing the door.

Kenma looked at the other executives apologetically. "The other person who worked with medicine at Karasuno was Hitoka...and well...you know. Azumane is gone and I don't have any experience with that sort of stuff, so...I guess you'll have to wait until Shimizu is finished with Oikawa." Kenma shrugged, apologizing once more and walking out.

Hinata was able to temporarily stop Ushijima, Goshiki, and Tenou(with the help of Kageyama)to buy Bokuto, Asahi, and Daichi some time. Kageyama patched up Asahi and Daichi's injuries, and they hurried out.

"They'll probably come back after regrouping so we'll have to stay alert, and think of another plan when we get back." Hinata spoke fast as the five of them ran.

Daichi glared at him. "Just because you helped us escape doesn't mean you're totally off the hook. And you," Daichi raised his voice a little, turning to Kageyama. "you don't get to decide whether or not Shoyo is an official agent of Karasuno. 

"He's the enemy, don't you remember? Just because he only did one good thing doesn't mean that he's a member of Karasuno again. I don't know if you heard, but he tried to kill us earlier!"

Kageyama nodded, feeling a little guilty. "I heard."

Daichi continued talking as they ran. "I'm not the type to be swayed as easily, so if he wants to come back to Karasuno he'll have to try harder than that. Tell him to step up his game or something. I guess right now is the perfect time for him to show off his stuff, since we're being attacked. But then again, he's the one who caused all this mess!" Daichi glared at Hinata once more.

Hinata looked down shamefully. I only wanted to help. but every time I tried to help, the situation had gotten worse and worse. Hinata had been through so much, he almost forgot the original version of the story. The version where he fell in love with Kageyama, and he was a great agent, and didn't turn an entire agency against him.

The version where no one died.

The version with a happy ending.


When Bokuto, Asahi, Daichi, Hinata, and Kageyama returned to  the agency, Asahi did what he could with the injured executives, while bearing his own injuries. He couldn't do any serious stitching or healing with his injured shoulder, so Kageyama helped bandage up a few injuries better than they had been before. While Kiyoko took Asahi in to aid his wounds,, they other executives sat down to have a meeting.

Secrets Aren't For Keeping (Haikyuu!! Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora