Newer Newbie

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The members of the Karasuno Spy Agency were definitely going to be exhausted today. After cleaning up that rainbow mess from their first training sim, they had to host two more training simulations! Daichi was glad he and the other agency executives did not hand a meeting today. The five agents from the first training sim stuck around, smudged paint dried onto their nice clothes.

"Did we really have to go and ruin such nice tuxes for this? We could've worn something a little less formal." Oikawa looked down at his ruined clothes. Iwaizumi took off his jacket, revealing a white shirt, also covered in the dried rainbow.

"We had to dress like this so that the simulation is more realistic. If it isn't realistic then the participants in the simulation will have a hard time taking it seriously. We've already been over this."

"But I hate to see a good tux go to waste like that." Oikawa took his jacket off as well, revealing his rainbow painted shirt that was once white.

"Well I had fun. It definitely felt real to me." Bokuto struggled to remove his tie, so Akaashi helped him.

"Are you ready?" Suga called to glasses boy, who was standing on the training platform. His name turned out to be Tsukishima Kei. Tsukishima nodded in Suga's direction, along with Kuroo, Yaku, Kyotani, Lev, Tanaka, and Nishinoya, who gave him a thumbs up.

"Alright. Your simulation will be set up in an obstacle course style, rather than a situation set up. There will be three stages; each progressively getting more difficult. I think you can handle it. 3, 2, 1..." Suga gave the signal to start, and they began.

Tsukishima's first two opponents were Yaku and Lev.

He just stood there like he was waiting for something to happen.

"Aren't you going to do something?" Yaku gave him a look of confusion.

He shook his head, and motioned for them to come to him. His cockiness pissed both of them off a little, and they charged right toward him. He shot both of them in an instant(with a water gun of course). This startled them, because the water was ice cold, and the water guns had a lot of built up pressure.

They stumbled back a couple of steps as Tsukishima walked past, onto the next stage.

The next stage was a little harder than the last, Tsukishima's new opponents being Kuroo and Kyotani. Kyotani was more of a fist fighter, and charged right towards him. Tsukishima dodged this, leaving Kyotani to lose control and ram into a wall. He shot Kuroo twice, both his attacks missing the target. Kyotani comes back from behind, a little angrier this time.

He grabs Tsukishima by the waist, both of them barreling to the floor. His face hits the floor hard, and his glasses break. He got pissed. His vision was blurry, but he got right up and started beating the crap out of Kyotani.

"There's a reason I have to wear glasses, asshole!" He yelled at Kyotani as he punched his throat. "Now I can't see shit!" Tsukishima threw Kyotani against the cold wall. He left Kyotani curled on the floor in pain and shot the stunned, distracted Kuroo in the chest with his water gun. For a guy who's glasses broke, his aim was still spot on. There was only silence as he walked to the last stage.

Nishinoya and Tanaka had seen what happened in the second stage. Their jaws dropped and eyes wide open, they watched Tsukishima enter this last room. Tanaka looked down at Nishinoya and their gazes locked. He gave Noya a look that said 'I sure as hell don't want to deal with him.' Nishinoya nodded and the two surrendered. They didn't plan to risk their physical health at a training simulation. 

They both agreed that Tsukishima was unstable, in both mind and body.  They backed away, getting out of Tsukishima's path so he could walk through the last door. He abandoned his empty water gun, his face remaining expressionless as he walked through the last door, revealing Daichi, Suga, and a couple of other agents. They all stood, stunned, and some even flinched as he walked through the door.

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