An Unstoppable Team

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It was back on! Karasuno's favorite OTP, Kageyama and Hinata were back! And everyone was happy because things were quieter and more peaceful between the two--and more quiet in the agency itself.

"But where the heck are they?!" Tanaka burst into the meeting room, interrupting a very important meeting between agency executives. 

"What are you doing in here, Ryu?" Daichi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"The two secretaries you told to take a break one day ago and they still aren't back? Remember them?" Tanaka seemed surprisingly pissed about the whole ordeal.

"Calm down Baldie," Oikawa teased. "I thought you'd be happy. Considering all the trouble they've caused since their arrival one week ago."

"Well, I'd be happier if there wasn't a growing pile of work waiting for them!! Ennoshita and the others are working their butts off, trying to get all that done. And they are field agents!"

Daichi turned back to the other executives. "We have more important things to worry about that don't include missing secretaries, or the pile of fake work on their desks only meant to keep them busy. If the field agents want to play secretary, let them. It's not my problem."

Tanaka would've yelled at him, but couldn't find any reason to. He nodded and left, leaving the agency executives to the rest of their meeting. Daichi locked the double doors in case another interruption were to happen.

He sat back down, turning to the executive of the Nekoma Spy Agency, Kuroo Tetsurou, and sighed before speaking again. "Please, continue what you were saying about your detective." Kuroo clicked his tongue. 

"Not detective. My Infiltrating Spy. I.S." Daichi rolled his eyes at him. "Anyways, Kenma was only able to hack into their systems and retrieve their mission data before looking into any profiles." Kuroo slid a file folder across the table, ending up in Daichi's hands. He opened it, scanning through the handful of papers. 

"I'll send one of my agents to get a better look at the profiles later." He said, closing the folder.

Before the executives discussed the next topic,  they heard a calm knock at the door. They said nothing, trying to ignore it as the knocking grew louder and more frantic. Daichi groaned, standing up and opening the door. A smiling Suga greeted him, handing him a pair of folders.

"Profiles," He said, walking into the room. "We have a couple of newbies coming later, so can we clean up the mess outside? Paperwork is flying everywhere." Suga pulled up a chair next to Daichi's and sat. 

"You're late, Kou-chan!" Oikawa smiled at Suga. 

"Sorry Oikawa. I had to get the profiles for Daichi. I also had to set up a training simulation for the new recruits." He smiled back and began writing on a piece of paper.

"When are they coming?" Bokuto asked excitedly. 

"They're coming next week, so this place should be in tip-top shape. We want to look like a nice agency." Suga stood, opening the door to reveal the paperwork mess happening outside. "Not...whatever this is." He closed the door and sat back down. 

"If Tobio and Shoyo aren't coming back for a while, then you'll need more than a week." Iwaizumi pictured the mess outside in his head, making a face. 

"Shouldn't someone take care of that?" Akaashi glanced towards the door. 

"It's fine." Daichi scanned through the profiles, not looking up to speak. "They'll take care of it themselves, and I'll send someone to get Kageyama and Hinata." He closed the folders. "I think that's good for now. You may go." Everyone stood up in unison, filing out of the room. Daichi looked at the folder reading "Shiratorizawa" on it, containing their mission data.

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