A True Spy

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The Shiratorizawa agents froze. The first looked down at the second and motioned for him to hurry up, but it was already too late. A pistol was fired, and the knife in the agent's hand was sent flying.  The agent clutched his hand, which had begun to bleed. The bullet only grazed, his skin, but his face was pale and his hand shook violently. 

Suga took this chance to grab the knife and turn the tables. This time, it was Suga who pressed the blade to the second agent's neck. The first agents jumped as he felt a pistol being pressed against the back of his head. Suga smiled, happy that they had come. 

Asahi, and the allied executives had come to help Suga rescue Daichi! Although the Shiratorizawa agents had told him Daichi had died, he chose not to believe that and decided he wouldn't tell the other spies until later.

"Great shot, Iwa-chan!" The smoke disappeared, revealing Oikawa pressing his pistol to the back of the first agent's head. The smoke revealed the rest of the executives as well, weapons in hand.

"We thought you needed some help." Asahi knelt down next to Suga, handing him a pistol.

"Thanks." Suga motioned for Asahi to back away, turning his attention back  to the Shiratorizawa agent. "Now, where's Daichi?" He felt his relaxed muscles tense up, realizing he had let his guard down after the executives arrived.

"I t-told you! He's gone! W-we thought we took the pill out of his mouth, b-but he had another one!" The scared agent shook violently in Suga's arms, the fright seeming to effect his voice as well.

"Tell me where he is or it's off with your head." Suga pressed the blade into the agent's neck some more, knowing the skin wouldn't hold up for much longer until the blade cut through his flesh.

"We ditched the body somewhere! H-he's not here anymore!" Suga was ready to kill this guy. He raised the knife, ready to shove it through the agent's flesh, but he couldn't do it. A wave of pain washed over him, the regret in his past nagging at him, keeping him from getting the job done. He couldn't do it.

*22 years ago*

The house was a mess. Pots and pans were scattered everywhere, as well as bits and pieces of broken plates. I pressed a finger to the dried crimson on the wall.

 "What happened?" I followed the mess into a back room, which I had not seen before. "A secret entrance?" I followed the dark path, my fingertips grazing the wall, which guided me through the tunnel. 

At the end of the tunnel was a dimly lit room, full of all sorts of technology and weapons. The technology and computers, however, had been destroyed. And the weapons lay scattered about the floor, rather than on their designated racks. 

When my eyes wandered to the main attraction of the room, my face paled. My grandparents lay cold and dead on the stone floor.

My parents had died when I still a baby, so my grandparents took me in, and had taken care of me ever since. Now that they have been murdered, I have no one else to take care of me.

I began to back away, but then heard rummaging coming from the next room. My head snapped around to the direction the sound was coming from, and I picked up a bloodied knife that was laying on the floor. I peeked into the next room, seeing papers scattered all over the floor. I gasped when I saw the intruder, which blew my cover. The intruder whipped his head around towards me.

"What? You some kind of spy?" His attitude was very snappy. He obviously didn't want any business with a little kid like me. 

"A-are you?" My voice trembled at a low whisper.

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