Chapter VII: Frustration

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After he finished his book, Jongup called Daehyun and told him to check to your room. He also told Daehyun to keep guard you while he is out.

Now is 1 a.m, Jongup enter his silver Audi R8 heading to his house.
He washed up before he is going to bed. Such a good habit he had.

Under the shower, he just standing without do anything. He put one hand on the wall, he looking down at the floor.

"It's so fucking dirty" He groan to himself. "I need to clean this out"

After he finished wash up, Jongup grab his phone from the bed. He is checking his messenger, no message appear on that.
Well, no message from the person he expects appear on that.

"Fuck!" He throw his phone to the bed, make his phone bounced a couple times before it fall to the floor.

He scratch his hair hardly, almost hurt his own head.

Jongup throw his body to his bed, stretch his body out, his eyes are wide open, looking up to the roof of his room. He has been waiting a news from someone but he got nothing until now.

His phone rang, Jongup get up and take his phone from the floor. 'Himchan' the name appears on the screen. He slide the green button.


Himchan shout from the phone. "I need to meet you immediately"

"Hey crazy, do you know what time is it? Don't call me this late and don't you ever shout my name like that! A 'Hello' is exist if you call someone for god sake"

"Wow, sorry"

"What do you want? It's 3am! I need to sleep"

"Well, you haven't sleep yet"

A silence happened between the two of them for like 5 seconds before Jongup clear out his throat.

"Of course I need your drugs. I need to meet you immediately. Tomorrow... uh I mean today I'll come to your place. What about at 10am?"

"I have a business"

"What? When? Listen, I can't wait any longer I need your drugs" Himchan's voice sounds desperate.

"Tsk fine, after lunch will be good. And please don't call me at this time and yelling my name again like that or your body will stiff forever I swear"

"Are you swearing or are you begging?"


"Uh, nevermind. I'll see you after lunch" Himchan hung up the phone.

'Is this crazy don't know his and what my position?' Said Jongup on his mind. He then off the light beside his bed and close his eyes. Jongup now is in his dreamland.

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