Chapter VIII: The Sarcastic

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Daehyun knocked the door before he enter your room. Your eyes still hard to open to be honest but you must, you remember this isn't your house, you were kidnapped by Mafia yesterday because your brother stole his drugs.

"You got to wake up"

Daehyun walk to the window and sit on its frame, he cross his arms and looking at you.

"Wake up or I will drag you here and throw you off to the ground. Wake up I said" He rise his voice and that's makes you awake all of sudden.

You remember him clearly, he is one of strange men who brought you here yesterday. His stare look so cold and you start to assume that he is no less evil than Jongup.

"Jongup will come in a couple minutes so you need to prepare"

"Prepare for what?"

Now you confused. Jongup didn't say anything about prepare yesterday, he leaves you just like that. Told you to sleep and that's it.

"I don't know. Death?"

He smirks with a little laugh, laugh that scares you. Your guess is right, he is no less evil than Jongup. Jongup maybe harsh, he hit your head and killed Youngjae without warning and you see Daehyun, he is no harsh at all, well maybe not yet but his act and the way he talks, it's really scary to you.

Daehyun spit through the window, you can feel your sweat drop from your forehead to your neck, you gulped, you nervous. Are you really will die today?

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