Chapter I: The Beginning

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You sip your red carp mocha cappuccino after you pay it in cashier. You walk to the exit door with a wireless headphone on your ears.

Today is your free time, so you decided to relax yourself with drinking a coffee and walking around the street with music all day long.

The sun is shining really bright but you can feel cold breeze blowing your face, this is your favourite weather to have in your free time.

As you walk and pass through a black mini van that parked on the side of the street, someone took your coffee from your hand.
You put off your headphone and turn your head back.

There are two strangers standing behind you with a black long coat and pair of black glasses. No smiles shows on their face.
The one who took your coffee now throwing it to the street, makes you swear suddenly toward him. But he doesn't response at all.

"Get in the car" said one of the stranger.

"What? No. Who are you?"

You refused as you trying to walk away.

But he suddenly grab your arm and shut your mouth with his hand, make you can do nothing because his strengths is really no joke.

He lift you and put you into the car.

They blindfolded you so you can't see anything and tie your hands back with a rope. You have no idea where this strangers takes you to.

You want to scream but your whole body is shiver. Your mouth feels like stiff. You can't produce any words right now.

This is not your plan to enjoy your free time. You are supposed to be in the park right now, drinking your coffee and enjoying your playlist from your iPod, watching people walking around you and taking a photos as much as you want. You crying and wish that you'll be safe.

You can hear your car going inside a building from the sound of the car brake.

They pull you out from the car and dragging you to the upstairs.

He pushed you hardly makes you fall to the ground.

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