Day four

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"I have found a cheater in this room." Ms. Sakine said out loud in class. Rin, Len, and Miku stared at Ms. Sakine as she said this. She stood up off of her chair and walked around as she picked up a crumbled piece of paper in the trash can.

She unraveled the paper and showed the classmates the paper. "You all see this? The handwriting is very familiar. Whoever decided to write this, say it now." Ms. Sakine yelled out. Everyone in the classroom were tense except Rin, Len, and Miku.

A girl with green hair stood up and bowed. "I-it was me." She said in a soft voice. "And why did you write it?" Ms. Sakine demanded. The girl looked around and gulped down. Rin observed and saw that she met eyes with another girl. Rin stood up. "I know who made her do it." Rin said strongly.

She pointed at the bully. The bully gasped in surprised as she too stood up. "You don't believe in this nonsense do you Ms. Sakine?" She asked. "I do. I have proof. Miss Megpoid!"

The green haired girl jumped as her name was called. "Y-yes?" She shivered with fear. "I've seen that you've been bullied by our young bully here. You're free of any crime." Ms. Sakine declared, as if she was the judge.

The bully was sent to the principals office as everyone sat back down. "If anyone is ever caught cheating again, you all will be kicked out of Vocal High. Our school is a very serious school. If you want to stay here, you might as well as be serious." And with that, Ms. Sakine sat down.


When lunch came, Rin, Len, and Miku walked out of the classroom to eat under the Sakura tree. "Um. Excuse me!" Someone shouted after them. They turned around to see the green haired girl run after them, clutching her books tightly. She had her goggles on and was wearing a uniform of green and orange.

"I just wanted to say thank you." She said and bowed down onto the floor for Rin.

Rin, feeling a bit embarrassed, got on her knees and helped pull gumi off of the floor and brushed off any dirt on the uniform. "It's no biggie. Anything for justice." Rin said with a big smile on her face. "Do you want to join us for lunch?" Miku asked shyly. "We were just heading out." Len said.

The green haired girl blushed. "I've never been asked that. I usually eat lunch alone, because I'm a nerd."

"A nerd?! I'm one too! In fact, I think we're all nerds, some more than others but still nerds." Rin said. "Let's go!"


It turned out that the green haired girl was not that much of a nerd. She introduced herself as Gumi Megpoid. She also loved fashion and she loved to go shopping. "Girls!" Len yelled as he felt left out and sat in his little corner under the tree. "I also like to play video games!" Gumi said between mouthfuls of carrots. "I like video games too!!" Len said as he sat closer to Gumi.

Miku glared at Len as he sat by Gumi and they talked about their favorite games. "A little jealous?" Rin asked Miku. "N-no!" Miku blushed. Rin giggled. "It's fine. I only trust you with Len." She said and left to throw her trash away, not bothering to look at Miku's blushing face.


After school, they decided to go to the nearby cafe. They ordered food and lattes. "I've never been here." Len said monotonously. The cafe had on very girly colors of pink and light brown. The cookies were also decorated as girly as possible.

The girls all looked at him and he just stared back at them with empty eyes. They all whispered and sneered as they looked at him. Len continued on staring at them, a hint of fear in his eyes.

They ordered so much that it looked as if they ordered the whole entire store. They made Len tried a simple sugar cookie, but he didn't want to because it was too girly for him.

Furious, Rin grabbed his hands as Miku grabbed his legs. Gumi closed his nose until he opened his mouth for air. As soon as it opened up, she shoved the cookie in his mouth and they let go. He started coughing and swallowing and they were soon worried.

Len got up and bent over from the chair. "Len?" Rin asked as she reached towards him. "That's actually pretty good." Len said as he got up. The girls, surprised, looked at him in fear. He turned around and walked towards his seat and ate more cookies, occasionally drinking the girls' ordered lattes.

They soon stopped spacing out and noticed Len drinking each one's lattes. They attacked him and shoved more cookies in his mouth.


They were soon kicked out for causing so much ruckus in the cafe. "I never knew eating girly foods was good." Len said as both of his hands were behind his neck. The girls turned to look at him. "We were kicked out because of you!" Miku yelled at Len.

"It wasn't my fault you guys shoved a cookie in my mouth." Len barked back calmly. "If you don't shut up, I'm gonna shove this bag in your mouth." Rin said as she held out her school bag.

Hello!! Thanks for reading this fun(?) chapter!!! You guys met Gumi!! What are your thoughts?! I've never been a cafe before (like starbucks) so I'm kind of like Len here XD I have ate their cookies before though and it's pretty good but I prefer homemade cookies. Anyways, thanks so much for reading!!! At least this chapter was early!! And yes I have skipped day three because I do plan on skipping a few days because am super lazy XD


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