Day One: part two

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Rin was saddened that the turquoise haired girl moved away from her like she was a cockroach. However, on closer inspection, it seemed like the turquoise haired girl had healing bruises. Could it be that she was part of a gang?

"I'm Rin Kagamine!" She held out her hand. She wanted to be on this girl's good side. The turquoise haired girl looked at her with sad eyes. Her eyes and her hair were the same shade. So was her uniform but it faded from turquoise to gray instead of orange to white like hers.

"Miku...Hatsune." She replied with a soft voice and shook Rin's hand. "Are you a freshman?? I've never been to an elite school like this before." Rin said, trying to start small talk. "I'm actually supposed to be a sophomore..." Miku replied back, looking at her toes like she was afraid that Rin might be disgusted.

Rin was even more intrigued with Miku. Her suspicions were getting high. Miku peeked at Rin and was a little bit surprised she was still there. "...I was bullied a lot at my old high school so they held me back...but I didn't want to go I got a scholarship here instead..." Miku said, continuing looking at her shoes, her hands messing around with the hem of her skirt.

Rin was now heartbroken for Miku. Her story was heartbreaking and Rin hated bullies because she too was bullied. She was also a bit disappointed because her suspicions were wrong. She held Miku's hand and squeezed it tightly. "I was also bullied. We can stand against them together."

Miku looked at Rin, tears forming at her eyes, ready to jump out like fish in the sea. Rin smiled. Suddenly, Miku hugged Rin tightly. Rin was a little bit surprised but smiled in happiness.


Len was getting bored of waiting on Rin so he left her to look around the school. The front yard of the school didn't really faze him at all. I've seen better, he thought. There were a bunch of students outside but he decided to sneak inside.

The main reasons as to why Rin and Len were in so many middle schools were because they had kicked both of them out, mainly because of Len. He loved to snoop around the school and cause trouble. Rin had warned Len that if he had caused anything bad for Vocal High, she will be the one kicking him out.

Len sneered as he remembered her yelling at him while they were eating dinner one summer night. Just a little snooping, he thought and opened a window to sneak inside.

He jumped through the window and landing with a cat like stance. He looked around and listened intently for any noises before walking around. The hallway walls were an eggshell white and the doors were different colors, ranging from a pitch black to a pastel pink. Beside each door, there was a long vertical window that showed what the classrooms looked like. At the very top of the door was a sign. The sign was a snow white color with a sky blue border. It had the name of the teachers and the room number.

Len walked up to the pitch black door and looked in the window. There was no one there as of Len could see. He tried opening the door, but it was of no use. The door was simply locked. Typical, he thought.

He walked down the hallway, and before entering a corner, he backed up against the wall like a ninja and listened. All he heard was a silent ringing in his ear. He peeked through the corner and sure enough, no one was there. He continued walking and listening, making a visual map in his head. That is,until he bumped into something or someone.

Who he bumped into was a man, in his early 20's with a dark ocean blue hair, wearing a dark navy colored suit with a name tag. He was holding some books and was a little surprised to see Len.

Len thought he should run for it, but something in the back of his mind told him to stay still and sensed no harm from the man. His brain was right. Instead of yelling at Len, the man chuckled. His bright blue eyes shone with humor. "Don't worry kid. I used to be as curious as you." He pointed to his name tag. It had a picture of him, but that man looked as serious as an old man.

"I'm Kaito. Kaito Shion. Call me Kaito when it's just us but call me Mr. Shion in class. You must be new here. You seem so scared when I caught you. Don't worry though, I'll show you around." Kaito said as he smiled at Len.

Len studied his eyes. They might be blue but they didn't show any coldness. They were warm and inviting. "Sure." Len agreed.


After showing Len the basic areas (bathroom, cafeteria, etc) the bell had already rang. "I'll show you to the plaza." Kaito said and smiled one last time before breathing in deeply and had on this blank face. Len was puzzled, but followed Kaito nonetheless.

The plaza was huge. It probably took half of the first floor. "Each floor has a plaza. I believe you're a freshman. Well, you certainly don't look like a senior but this floor is yours. I have to get going now but if you have any troubles, I'm in room
b-4." Kaito explained, and with that, he left.

Len saw some kids using the elevator and others, the stairs. Len tried to look for Rin but the lockers in the plaza were in the way. The plaza had some benches and a flat screen T.V. (Although Len noticed how it wasn't the updated version like his and his sisters flat screen T.V. ) with bean bags in front of it. It wasn't just any plaza any high school had, it was like a pad for teens to hangout.

Amazed at the high school's style, he tried to look for his locker. He noticed how the lockers each had names. It took him awhile but he soon found it and opened it. Inside the locker was a lock and a combination for the lock. Len took out a binder (it has papers, pens, pencils, gum, and markers) and shoved his backpack in. As soon as he closed the locker door and locked it, he turned around to see Rin talking to a girl.

She was fair and had a bunch of bruises on her neck and arms. She had long turquoise hair and was smiling about like she didn't care. Rin soon spotted her brother and took the turquoise haired girl with her. "Len! Isn't this school amazing?" Rin exclaimed as soon as she reached him. The turquoise haired girl was standing behind Rin and looking away from Len and Rin, as if she was scared.

"Uh yeah. Who's this?" He said and pointed at the strange girl. "Oh! I forgot lol. Silly me. This is Miku Hatsune! Isn't she pretty?? Miku, this is Len, my brother." Rin chattered excitedly and grabbed Len's head as she head locked him. "Don't we look alike?" She sneered and snickered. Miku instantly smiled and bowed down in greeting. "It's really nice to meet you." She said softly.

This chapter was a lot of fun to write lol. So you've met Len, the sneaky beaky, Rin, the super energetic one, Miku, the super shy one, and Kaito, the one who wants to look tough. Anyways, I'll draw a map of the first floor for you guys if you don't understand the mapping but this is like a dream high school. Like everything is just so colorful and stuff lol. Please enjoy and vote and or comment on this book as that encourages me to write more stories like this!! And remember, if you're from my zombie apocalypse book, comment and I'll give you a shoutout!! Part three coming up!!!


Vocal High: Freshman Year (Hiatus)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant