Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning


"Why is good so yummy?" I frown.

I roll onto my stomach and then wiggle my way into Blake's arms. He lightly snuggles into my body as we watch the fiery yellow ball eventually be consumed by the fluffy grey clouds. The once blue sky is kissed by an array of oranges hues and pinky reds.

"Best date?" I ask.

"It's getting there," he replies.

"Oh." I pout. "Is this because you want to go swimming?"

"No, but I think it'll be fun."

I shuffle in his grip so that I can look over my shoulder. Blake tugs on a bright smile as he kisses the end of my nose.

"But we don't have bathers," I point out.

"We won't need bathers when it's dark," he swiftly replies.

"Gee, you've always got a way of getting me naked."

"Does that need explaining?" Blake asks.

"I suppose not." I laugh.

"Great because we're going swimming." Blake's arms tighten around my waist as he tries to stand up. I try to pull out of his grasp, but his muscular arms tighten around my body. My stomach churns with the pressure placed on it.

"You wouldn't," I shout.

"Yes, I would, so don't think otherwise." Blake starts to walk down the beach while I claw at the stand to somehow prohibit us from moving any further. However, my feet slide through the sand effortless which makes my struggle pointless.

Blake throws me over his shoulder and stomps into the waves crashing by his feet. The cold water creeps up higher the further he walks in.

"Please don't do this, Blake, it's doing to be so cold!"

Without a struggle, Blake launches my body into the air. I flap my arms like a bird, but I submerge into the depths of the oceans clutches. My clothing stick to my skin like plaster as I break through the surface of the water to breathe.

Blake stands before me with a pleasant expression.

"Best date every," he comments.

"I can't believe you threw me into the water!" I cup my hands together and throw water at Blake. He raises his hand to block the water from splashing on his face.

"Really? Because I said that's what I was going to do," he replies.

Blake tugs his shirt over his head and throws it onto the sand. The soggy material flies through the air and then lands on the dry sand.

"Blake," I shout. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going swimming." Blake reaches into the water and then pulls out his pants and underwear. He then throws those items of clothing onto the sand as well.

"I can't believe you're naked right now."

"I can't believe you're not." He laughs.

"What if we get caught?" I whisper.

"So you want to whisper about that?" asks Blake, amusement swirling through his green eyes.

"Fine." I awkwardly tug on my clothing and eventually pull it off. Blake throws it onto the sand and then we swim further into the ocean. The cold water is freezing, so I wrap Blake's arms around my body for warmth.

"This is really cold," he mumbles.

"Just a little."

"I kind of like it," says Blake.

Oddly enough, I like the sense of freedom and excitement swimming naked in the ocean gives me.

* * *

The moving vehicle comes to an abrupt halt as we pull into the driveway. My eyes spring open and I realise I'm still wrapped in the sandy picnic blanket from the beach. The warm air from the heater fans across my skin until Blake turns the car off.

"We're home," Blake softly mumbles.

"Are my clothes still wet?" I ask.

Blake leans over the console and grabs my jeans. He then drops them on the ground and laughs.

"No, and they need to be washed."

"Shoot! What if we get caught?" I question.

The thought of either Angela or Thomas catching us, or me dressed in a blanket would be humiliating on all levels.

"You won't be, and I'm sure they're asleep anyway," he comments.

"At least you have your underwear." I sigh.

"Would it help if I took them off?" Blake laughs.

"No, unfortunately."

With a smile, Blake and I get out of the car and grab out things. Blake takes the picnic basket while I grab our clothing. I tightly wrap the blanket around my torso and then clutch the wet clothes to my chest.

"Ready?" I nervously ask.


Blake runs ahead while I follow a bit behind. He reaches the front door and opens it as I run inside after him. I walk through the house and hide in the living room.

"That was less scary than the last couple of times we've done it," I say.

"So, we can do it more?"

"Not happening, Blake."

"Fine." He pouts.

Blake puts away the leftover food while I head upstairs. I go straight to the bathroom to warm up. I toss the soggy clothing and blanket into the bathtub before getting into the shower. I turn on the hot water tap and get a splash of cold water in my face.

"Not again," I grumble.

The pipes rattle and then the water beings warming up. I wash away the salt and sea water with the soap sponge. The smell of the coconut soap is a nice change from salt and seaweed. I grab the shampoo and then see Blake walk in.

He immediate strips out of underwear and reaches for the shower door.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing." I turn away and look at the wall.

"What? It's not like you haven't seen me naked before." He laughs.

"Just get in the shower," I say.

Blake eagerly steps under the water and reaches for the soap. He starts rubbing it across my back and then turns my body around. I forget about the shower as I stare into his captivating eyes. Blake's moist lips press against mine and I wrap my arm around his neck.

"I want you," he mumbles against my lips. "Please say yes."

And for the first moment in a long time, it felt like two waves suddenly merging into one. We don't need to be a perfect ship, we just need to be together, even if that means leaky holes and the occasional man overboard. 

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