Was I wrong?

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I stepped onto the RV sheepishly looking for Zak, I hadn't heard a peep out of him from a few days ago when I decided we would be better off friends.

To me it was the best thing we both could do for one another, both a flight risk on each other, he needed to have full concentration on sorting things with Harmony.

I only thought it was fair. I even looked online on those agony aunt pages for advice! It was the last thing I really wanted to do but it was also the best thing to do. I'd support him, I told him that..

But I couldn't and wouldn't be playing a second mom. It wasn't my place and I don't think I could handle having a baby thrust under my nose as if the poor little mite was a pawn chip.

"Hey." Bacon smiled looking up from a magazine.

"Hey Bacon. You okay?" I asked placing my things down on the side.

"Yeah I'm good. H-"

Zak came out the back bedroom with a straight tight mouth and shades on. The stubble said it all as he tried to find something.

"Hey." I smiled slightly in his direction but he blanked me. I swallowed down the rejection and looked at Bacon who was taking it all in.

"Whe- can you move all your shit?!" Zak bit shoving my things out the way.

I picked up my hold-all, camera and laptop bag "Sorry."

Snatching up a bit of paper he stormed to the back and slammed the door.

"Don't take any notice.. He's tired."
Bacon sighed shaking his head.

"Well I hope I can use that excuse for when I'm an asshole next." I mumbled moving it all away from him.

I was going to be spending hours in an RV with Jekyll and Hyde plus Bacon. It was going to be a barrel of laughs!

I knew I should have flown but I went against my better judgement as I didn't want Zak to feel I was abandoning him already.

Settling on the couch, I put my head down and focused on my hands hoping that Zak would lighten up a little otherwise this lockdown was going to be hell.


There wasn't a lot to do on the RV, unless you were watching TV but that was at the back... With Zak and quiet frankly?

It's safer to walk into a lions den wearing Lady Gaga's meat dress than walk in that bedroom.

We were almost there which softened the blow from being on this damn RV for so long, only stopping to get fuel, food or for toilet breaks.

My body ached bad, but I didn't complain because Bacon had been driving solid to avoid the tension. I felt awful and took him aside to apologise but he waved it off before pushing a cigarette in his mouth.

"Not much longer.." Bacon announced making me smile with relief.

"You're a star." I replied giving him a sweet to chew on.

"So what's happened now? How come he's so miserable?" He asked.

I pushed my mouth to the side and debated on avoiding the question, but I had to vent.. To a neutral party right?

I explained the situation, checking that Zak was making his way down the RV regularly. Bacon nodded, mulled, asked for another sweet and hummed before giving his verdict.

"I see where you are coming from."

"But?" I asked.

"But I also see where he is coming from, he's smitten with you. I know that, so does Aaron. Don't you find all this... Coincidental?"

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