The hotels secret..

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"You think she'll come back bro?" Aaron asked staring down the road where Robyn went.

"When she's calmed down.." I replied helping Jay with putting the equipment away. We didn't have a lot out but if it didn't go back properly the chances of it getting broke were high.

"It's scared her, that's all, she looks like a pretty tough cookie to me. She will be fine." Billy waved it off, but something told me she wouldn't be fine with this..

I was almost certain that tomorrow she would help us out and return back to Vegas. Sometimes the paranormal wasn't cut for some people, maybe Robyn was one of those people.

Aaron's phone went off making us all look at him as he pulled it out and checked it.

"It's Robyn.. Says 'Go on back to the hotel without me. Speak soon R x' "

"Why didn't she text me?" I asked checking my phone, I had a few messages, mostly from women but not from the woman I wanted to hear from.

"Cause you pissed her off last night. What shall we do?" Aaron asked looking to me for direction.

I looked up and down the street hoping I'd catch a glimpse of her but with nightfall it was almost impossible to tell if anyone was out walking around. Especially someone dressed in black.

"I don't really want to leave her here. But I also don't want to piss her off anymore. Let's go back. She won't be much longer." I answered causing the other three to nod.

As much as I stood by the plan, I still got in the car and looked for her all the way back to the hotel...

* * * * * *

We headed out for food and a walk around Sacramento, I left a few messages for Robyn asking her to check in so that we'd know she was okay but I didn't hear a thing..

"If she does leave, it will be a shame. I like her." Aaron said as we all headed back to the hotel.

"Hmm.. She is growing on me I guess." I answered.

"Admit it, you like her bro. She is a woman after all." Billy laughed.

"Has a good butt." Bacon added.

"True.. But I respect her." I replied frowning.

"Oh sure. Yeah sure you do." Aaron laughed "That's why you kicked her out the lounge of your room?"

"Just because I don't want commitment in a relationship, doesn't mean I'm celibate or a monk. I'm gonna go out and do who I want. She wanted to share the room." I pointed out.

"You know she was more pissed that you didn't tell anyone you were disappearing until you went. She was all for your safety. To me you are ugly enough to look after yourself." Aaron shrugged.

I looked up at him "She was concerned? Why?"

"In case the randomer you were meeting had arranged to have you jumped. Idiot."

Walking into the hotel we headed up and parted ways at the elevator, walking slowly back to the room I wondered what time she would rock in tonight, or if she was in the room already.

Putting the key into the door I swiped myself in and got my answer...

"Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need...
I need a hero!"

I had walked into some war zone as Robyn was half dressed singing her head off to Bonnie Tyler, slumped on the couch wearing my cap.

"Bit loud isn't it?" I asked looking at her as she waved lazily. Noticing she wasn't going to turn it down, I did before we were thrown out the hotel.

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