Roses are red.

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"Robyn..." Aaron whispered making me look across at him. "Are you okay?"

Truthfully, right now? I had no idea. I couldn't believe I was so gullible and stupid to actually think that he would be interested in me. That Zak wouldn't lie, yet here we are. Sitting opposite each other whilst he wines and dines his ex.

It's as if everything we spoke about earlier meant nothing.

"Yeah..." I mumbled turning my head so I couldn't see them.

"So why does it look like you've just been kicked in the gut?" Aaron questioned.

I flicked my eyes in Zak's direction and back to Aaron as it all fell into place. He closed his eyes slowly and shook his head.

"He strikes aga-"

"Aaron?" The voice came making me clench a fist under the table.

"Hey Harmony." He replied. I sat back and lifted my head up.

I had nothing to be ashamed of and I was going to be damned f I was going to hide away.

"Evening." I smiled at Harmony and looked at Zak.

His face had gone pale white as he took in the scene.

"I didn't realise you two were...." Harmony spoke wagging her finger between myself and Aaron.

"Oh it's early days yet. We like to keep things quiet." Aaron replied making me look over at him.

He gave me a discreet wink which filled my heart with a little warmth. There were still gentlemen in this world.

"Really? Oh Zak isn't that lovely?" She chooed.

I scoffed seeing how happy she was, now she knew I wasn't after her precious baby.

Even if that was a small white lie..

"I guess." He replied staring daggers at me.

"So... How come you're here in El Paso?" I asked trying to be polite.

She flicked her eyes at me and for once she seemed happy to look at me "Zak invited me. At first I couldn't because of work but I managed to move a few things around and here I am."

"What a lovely surprise! Are you staying somewhere nice?" I asked trying to find out if I was in fact moving room tonight.

She gave me a giggle "I'm staying in El Paso west? It's not far."

I almost choked on the oxygen as she said the same name as our hotel. "How wonderful." I smiled before looking at Zak wondering how much of a scene it would cause if I shove him off his chair.

Turning to Aaron I gave him a little smile before looking down at the menu trying to find something to eat when all I wanted to do was go back to hotel room and hide.

I ordered pasta carbonara instead of opting for pizza. Despite being sat with Aaron and him being excellent company, I still found myself looking at the table opposite as Harmony giggled and stroked Zak's hand.

"Stop.." Aaron whispered making me look over at him.

"Sorry. Tell me about the scariest moment for you as an investigator?" I asked turning my full attention to Aaron who smiled.

As I ate with him, I listened intently to his stories of investigations and Aaron's Vlogs. Despite the situation I was in right now, Aaron had me laughing and giggling whilst eating and eventually my plate was empty and my cheeks hurt from the constant smile.

"We should totally double date." Harmony spoke leaning out of her seat slightly towards us.

"And share her beauty? I couldn't." Aaron replied before looking at me with a smile.

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