XIII. Be There For Each Other

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"Everyone get the hell out of your tents! It's fucking game time!" Zayn shouts, shoving at everyone's tents to get them out since Harry initiated a small break before they continue.

Zayn's mood is positive and confident now, maybe it's from that measly hug he received from Harry, but it does it. It's good enough and Zayn will accept it, even if they're still probably weird considering Harry never really responded to Zayn's feelings.

Harry recruits everyone to a semi circle, ready to introduce instructions. "Alright. First game is a race in which we are tied together by the ankles and have to get to the finish line first. Second one is this back to back obstacle course with water on a tarp. Last one is down by the lake, that one is a surprise. It's a relay, sorta like these anyways."

"You're such a good planner." Zayn coos, coughing the second he realizes that he sounds to fond of Harry. Zayn's attempting to tone down his obvious feelings for Harry, at least to where it won't make Harry uncomfortable.

Everyone gets into their groups, all tying these thick cotton ribbons against their ankles with their partners. Apparently Niall and Harry made these together with recycled shirts. Zayn acts as if he isn't the slightest bit jealous, when he actually wishes Harry went to him for help with crafts like this.

"Too tight." Zayn murmurs when Harry tugs on the sting, Zayn chuckles in his night at the way of wording as he use to say it to Harry all the time in the past. It's something he still is ashamed of, yet doesn't regret─ intimately sleeping with Harry at such a young age.

When everyone stands behind the lines with their ankles wrapped snug, Louis shouts, "Who is even going to track the score. How will we possibly know who makes it first?"

"I'm not that bad of a planned. I have a camera!" Harry points at the tripod with a small little camera that nobody seemed to notice, but a few did have the same question as Louis, which is now answered so that's good. There's also a timer for the camera to flash that will signal the 'go' countdown.

Zayn suggests as a tactic that he and Harry lock arms, which Harry accepts. The second the camera flashes, Harry is trotting like a baby deer, already flaunting to the ground, pulling Zayn down with him.

The two ignore the gravity shift where their noses touch, instead, Zayn rolls off, assisting Harry while their ankles are now sore.

When they look over to the finish line Liam and Niall are cheering as they've won the first game. Everyone gives praising claps, everyone except Louis who oddly ignores the fact that they even won which makes Zayn and Harry backhand at Louis' chest.

"Told you not to do anything with these singles. You got slapped by Niall for groping when you could of got a high five for praising." Zayn says, patting his ass before walking over to Harry who is asking for help to set up the next game.

A large tarp is on the floor, Zayn brining the gallons of water near it while others help bring soap and these huge car sponges. The intentions of the game is to fill up the bucket with water on the finishing line, going back to back with your teammate.

"Everyone grab a sponge, thanks." Harry calls out, making sure everyone's engaged. Zayn puts the buckets in a line and now the tarp is slippery and wet.

All the partners stand on opposite ends, two buckets on either sides, one full and the other empty. Zayn, just like the others on the left, grabs two sponges completely drenched and races all across the tarp and drip it into the empty bucket. He then hands it to Harry who repeats the process. Whoever fills up first is the winner of this round.

"Harry! Run faster!" Zayn shouts as he sees Harry as if he's racing on coals. The tip toe movement causing Zayn to arch forward and cling on his stomach with a laugh. Harry successfully makes it over, estimating that they probably need to do this like eight times to fill it up.

Flashing back to back, Zayn and Harry end up winning because Louis topples over the other players a few times, the girls complain the running made their breasts hurt, and because of Harry's caution, he never fell once. Unlike everyone else who did run like crazy.

"Proud of you, babe!" Zayn wraps an arm over Harry's shoulders, quickly sliding away the second he notices his actions. "Alright..." Zayn mumbles, removing his arm and walking over to those who lay on the ground drying.

Everyone decides that they can't go on any longer to play the next game, which involves more water and they're already cold as is. It's almost sunset anyways, so they decide to warm up the bonfire and huddle around.

"Scary stories anyone?" Louis chimes in, attempting to shove the log he wants to sit on closer, Zayn tensing as Niall decides to help him which just generates some awkwardness.

Previously, before Zayn and Harry's whole prom thing going on, Zayn and Harry went out into the hidden part of the campsite expecting no one to be around, since they kind of wanted to walk to the lake together and just talk for a bit. They found Louis and Niall lip locked and just like that, Harry lost the bet and he argued at Niall for sometime.

Meanwhile, Zayn highfived Louis in gratitude since he already knew Louis would do something. Zayn knows his best friend most. Though, Zayn did have to give Louis a little push and go to make sure he sets something up soon.

But now Harry and Zayn are here, comfortable but still having this dense, a awkward tension that they're both clearly ignoring but it still clouds Zayn's mind a bit.

"I don't want to hear any scary stories." Niall comments, pressing his hands to his ears. Zayn feels a nudge against his him, "He's cute isn't he?" Louis coos toward Zayn. Which Harry apparently hears since he doesn't let Zayn answer, only responding, "Shut up. No he's not."

Zayn's heart warms at the attack, either Harry is protecting Niall and Louis in this whole singles club or he really didn't want to hear a comment about Niall's attraction from Zayn.

When the topic of scary stories is brought up by one of the women Zayn rolls his eyes, the first word that seemed to race into his mind was the word 'love,' which he says out loud causing laugh from others.

"No fucking kidding." Louis mumbles adamantly, must be agreeing since he continues, "Scary shit. I suppose that's why we're all in this club. So fucking easy falling in love but hard to get the feeling back. You get me, right?"

"Who the hell do you like, Louis?" Zayn brings attention towards the words that came out Louis lips, confused that he doesn't know anything about Louis actually having feelings. The only thing he acts upon is sex and small flingy dates that are meaningless to him.

"It's nothing really. You wouldn't get it. Everybody likes you so easily!" The words of Louis causes everyone to simmer down, Zayn averting his eyes from the ground then toward Louis.

Harry sits up and scoots to Louis, a hand on his lap, making a patting sound that could sooth Louis or not, all zayn knows is that it's irritating to watch. "If it makes you feel better, I like you most." Harry whispers.

Zayn isn't sure how to react.

awfully ok chapter in addition to the last one, once again, two fucking awful chapters but oh well, i want this completed already since ive got everything planned out

so threw in louis life just bc this chapter is blank of ideas just to reach 2000 words eh.


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