VII. Repay You

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Zayn wakes up to a huge border created by pillows, on the other side would be Harry. But he doesn't know that since there are tons of pillows blocking his view.

The warmth of Jaxx remains on his legs hurt when he reaches a hand from beneath the pillow border, it's a shivering coldness.

With a loud, over exaggerated yawn and himself flopping like a fish to rise up, Zayn eventually does roll off his bed only to see that Harry isn't there anymore.

Zayn goes to his curtains and shields his eyes shut before pulling both sides of drapes to expose the natural lighting from the six foot windows in his room. "Happy Sunday morning, oh boy."

The only thing he expects is to see an accident from Jaxx around his room, or to find that Harry left something in the house, but nope, he sees Harry sitting on the couch with a ton of blankets on him and the movie First 50 Dates playing on the telly.

"Good morning! Sorry if I brought some blankets downstairs. You were just boring with your snores so..." Harry trails off and sips on what Zayn can assume is tea because of the little string flailing out.

"It's fine. Morning to you too. How long have you been up?" Zayn accepts Harry's answer which is, "Around six. I'm an early bird. I replaced Jaxx's old hygiene matts with new ones and toon out your trash from the bathrooms and kitchens since tomorrow is your trash day. And then cleaned dishes from yesterday. What a good Sunday!"

"Cool, thank you a lot Harry. So you wanna get breakfast out or something?" Zayn shrugs and already reaches for his car keys, expecting Harry to agree. But Harry pouts, "What about Jaxx? The Jackie. Little Jaxxter, Jazzy Jaxxy─"

"Please. No more names. We can drop him off at my workplace and pick him up after. Then we'll go for a walk where you'll talk to me about what you plan on doing for your last week of school. Because I expect that I'm going to your graduation. Right?" Zayn announces their itinerary that he hopes Harry will concur with.

"Right! And I need to ask you for a favor too. Reason why I came here yesterday. It's really embarrassing actually." Harry grabs his duffle that he left yesterday by the door. Zayn observes the way Harry easily undresses directly in front of him. He's having the most difficult time keeping his eyes off Harry.

Hearing the sounds of Jaxx barking distracts him from the nude body he hasn't seen in nearly six years. "Hi, Jaxx. Sorry boy, but you're going to pet care for a few hours."

Zayn decides he wants to walk Jaxx for a small morning stroll and have their meal at the downtown's urban outside breakfast bar.

"It's like ten right now. Can't believe you were up since six, Harry!" Zayn exaggerates with a chuckle. His hands reach for Harry's as he slides Jaxx's dog leash into his.

At the pet daycare shop, Harry stands hesitantly near the entrance and Zayn insists that he joins him inside to check in Jaxx. "Welcome to my job. I'm here usually four days out of seven, six hours least, fifteen hours most. I just love every pet who comes here so I don't really care how long I work. It doesn't even feel like a job."

"That's cute. I want to meet some of the pets. You have baby kittens over here?" Harry steps inside and views the brief room which leads them to an office. "So where are they?"

Zayn chuckles at Harry, on how Harry thinks this is actually the daycare room. He doesn't look impressed with the environment with all white and potted plants. So Zayn explains to him, "We walk through this office then get to see where all the pets are, babe."

"Good morning Macy, want to check in Jaxx for like probably two hours max." Zayn signs the papers that he's already familiar with, handing them over, then walking through the solid swinging gate with a hand intertwined with Harry's.

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