III. Our Purpose

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A typical day revolves around impulsive actions around the usual agenda. Zayn's schedule consists of school, lunch with a partner or alone sometimes, his job at the pet store, and going home for dinner.

Today is a bit off than the usual since he's promised Harry to attend his organization. Harry's single status club. A club in which single people join together to contribute stories and tips to benefit their individuality.

Even the idea makes Zayn groan, it seems pathetic. But hey, he's trying to grow a connection with Harry so if this leads him somewhere, he'll do it.

Zayn isn't sure if he's trying to date Harry or just be a friend again, but either way for the meantime, he'll do anything to have Harry around. He won't deny the uprising feeling around him. It's not like a complete romance attachment, he's just in general, always feeling ecstatic with Harry.

"Hope you remember we're baking cookies today. Meet me at the address I texted you alright? I'm buying some ingredients." Zayn listens to Harry's rants as he listens with his voice echoing on the speaker. Zayn hums as Harry talks about buying his own ingredients because he doesn't want to raid the community center's items in the kitchen.

The thought process in Zayn's mind is mainly revolving around how Harry is too sweet for his own good. The pure generosity, completely different than the way Zayn is. Zayn has hopes that Harry rub off on him. You know, the congenital hospitality.

Considering Zayn resides in the downtown district of California's San Obispo, a ton of recreational buildings surround him. Meaning that the community center is a few blocks away from his home, in the same street as their city college.

Zayn texts a brief message addressing his location, "Literally sitting in my car @ the front parking waiting for ur ass."

With his eyes peering over the dashboard, he sees a lanky boy carrying two paper bags, struggling to retrieve the pull door knob. "Oh klutzy Hazzy." Zayn beams to himself before getting out his car and doing a silly little chase to the singles club leader.

"Oh my god!" Harry gasps in fear when Zayn snatches the bag at him, Zayn takes off his sunglasses and flashes a smile to him, "It's only me! Here to save the day... Again!" Zayn chuckles at the constant memories of helping Harry in his numerous odd situations.

"Hey Zayn! Thank you, but you did startle me there. Come, were on floor two, Room B." Zayn opens the door for the two of them and allows Harry to lead the way as the two hold the grocery bags on opposing hands, letting their inner hands brush against one another from time to time. Nope, no electricity in my veins whatsoever─ at least that's what Zayn wants to convince himself.

When the two get there, Harry peeps in the large windows, "So here's my meeting room. Now we're going to have to go back downstairs into the kitchen. Totally forgot, there's something I need to do!"

These are the things that ensue Zayn to call Harry a klutz. The way he forgets little things in his plans like this, the way Harry's knees buck as is he's a little deer whilst trying to get too much done at once.

In this case, Harry was midway to opening the door until he remember that he had to make cookies. This made Harry's knees go all boneless. Zayn will always catch him before he falls, never a hesitation, more of a reaction without a thought. "Yeah, cookies."

"Right! To the kitchen." Harry strikes a finger into the air, skipping to the stairs as he points with a prance, "Come, follow!"

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