X. And If

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The sound of creaking and the shaky movement of the mattress beneath him stirs him from his sleep. When Zayn flutters his eyes open, he comes to reality where he's laying in Harry's bed and Harry's breaking the mounds of pillows that displayed their border the previous night.

Harry is frantically jumping from one side of Zayn's body to the other, "It's singles camp weekend! It's singles camp weekend!" Harry plows his face onto the bed and rolls over to face Zayn, "Wake up! It's seven, and the bus leaves at nine! We all have to recruit there by eight!"

"Shh, ten more minutes." Zayn groans and grabs one of the pillows to discard the sunlight seeping through the blinds. "No! It's my bed, and what I say goes!" Zayn feels Harry tugging away all the blankets causing him to shiver.

"Well fine, I'll be leaving without you." Zayn ignores Harry's teasing, aware that he has at least an hour or so before the official departure. With that mental note, and finally hearing silence in Harry's room, Zayn rises from the bed and doesn't bother to have a proper cleanse since he's going camping. Instead, he puts on raggedy clothes, despite knowing how good he looks in it.

When Zayn opens Harry's door, the knob easily twists but he can't pry it open. There's no access from the other end allowing him to pull the door back. "Harry! Open the door!"

"What've you got anyways? I'm up with twenty minutes to spare before eight! If you're messing around like this, we'll be late!" Zayn shouts with a stern voice but giving himself a break to laugh because of his snazzy rhyme.

The moment Zayn tugs on the door with a more firm grip, he falls backwards, nearly on his ass because Harry had let go of the pressure that held the door so tightly shut. "Was a string! That's what you get for not listening to my rules. Now let's go!"

"Hold my hand." Harry murmurs under breath before lacing his hands with Zayn's, the two of them walking down the stairs together as if they've attended a formal ball together and are present to make a remarkable entrance.

Zayn bends down to lift Harry's large duffle and put it over his shoulder while he says goodbye to his mother and Anne. Zayn simply gestures a light wave and leaves the house.

Harry's stuff is enormous and really heavy so he needs to put that into his car as soon as possible. Zayn patiently waits for Harry by having a quick smoke. It's something he hadn't done in a while, lately it's been cut down gradually. The past use to be one carton a week, now it's gladly one cigar a week.

"Ugh, give me that." Harry groans and snatched the cigar out of his hand, using his shirt to burn off the ends of the bud, he walks all the way back to his backyard just to throw it into the garbage. That environmental, cute like a plushy, bastard.

Zayn already knows he's bound to get the scold because of him smoking around Harry. There goes, the second Harry sits in the car, "You know I hate cigarettes. One, not good for your body. Two, the air is probably not good for earth. Third, the waste is disposed onto earth. Hurting two precious things. Now stop. Here." Harry usually trades Zayn's cigarettes for a dollar in exchange for him wasting it.

Shaking his head with his nose scrunched in irritation, Zayn declines the dollar but doesn't touch up on the topic of his new cigar being uncompleted. Instead, he's all ears to hear about Harry's excitement.

The only thing he catches on is the fact that they'll be sharing a tent together. Where, when it gets cold they'll probably cuddle instead of having a bitchy pillow fort. Where Harry might get scared of the dark or animals and get comfort from Zayn.

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