V. Time

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With a big gap between the two and a case of glass beer bottles, Zayn and Louis watch random television shows. Nothing entertaining, just leaving the show to play so there's at least some audio while the two separately use their gadgets.

Oddly, during Zayn's struggle to start his introduction paragraph, Zayn gets an unknown phone call. Just like yesterday, he's perplexed on who would be calling him.

Zayn ignores the call and expects, if it were important, they'd leave a voicemail. To no surprise, Zayn's phone rings again and with Louis bickering to, "Shut the fuck up," Zayn does answer this time around.

"Hello? Who is this?" Zayn says with a firm voice through his phone. "Meet me at a public lot of your choosing so it can ensure you that I am in no harm or threat to your safety."

"Excuse you ma'am but that warning already freaks me the fuck out! Do you know who you're talking to? Wrong phone number maybe?" Zayn's heart is pounding out of the nerves and confusions. Who'd want to call him to meet up. And besides, the woman's voice on the other end sounds a bit old to be wanting a hook up. As if though, because Zayn doesn't do that anymore─ it's for Harry's sake.

"Zayn Malik. I assure you the moment you propose a location, you will be surprised to see who I am and what I would like to address. I am honestly no harm, I need discuss something very serious." The voice is almost convincing, Zayn just might give in.

"Eh, the sandwich shop by S.O. city college. I always have a seat by the window where there's some succulent shit on the table." Before Zayn could continue his description of the favorite section he always claims, the lady in the other end states, "I know how you look like already. Won't be a problem."

"Well should I look out for you?" Zayn says curious, who knows about him? And why doesn't her voice sound familiar at all? "You'll know me when you see me. Twenty minutes. Harley's Bread."

Zayn ends the phone call, he grabs the newest pillow and shoves his face into it causing Louis to comment, "Should I report something?" Zayn chucks the pillow over to Louis with a sigh, "Someone wants to meet me and I might as well do it. Sounds important so what the hell why not."

"So you gonna stay here? It'll be like an hour or so." Zayn announces while shoving his arms into one of the black leather jackets that are essential on his coat rack. "Yeah. Just eating pizza and shit so, I'll see you whenever." Zayn reminds him that there is a security camera somewhere in the house so it warns Louis, but really, honestly there isn't a camera present at all.

Zayn scurries out the door because he decides to walk instead of having a driving commute. With him being downtown, and blocks away from the sandwich shop, there's no point in the drive. Especially to pay a couple cents after having a struggle to find parking? Why bother.

During the fifteen minute walk, Zayn jots down a mental list of who could be requesting him at such an odd time. Time meaning, he hasn't been in anyone's social square the last few months, so there wouldn't be anyone that would need to contact him.

Is someone pregnant? Is this one of his parent's friends breaking bad news? It only seems as if he could come up with devastating ideas. Maybe it could be positive. Like someone finding his photography profile or noticed that one of his street graffiti belonged to him.

When Zayn gets to the shop, it's like all answers are there for him, yet he has nothing. Standing in front of the shop, looking through the window he stands astonished and in disbelief of who he's seeing.

The succulent on the table at his favorite corner has someone there already, like the details he mentioned phone call. Sure, it could be a coincidence that the high bar stool is occupied, at the same time it all makes sense.

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