XI. Movement Between Us

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It nearly resembles to yesterday morning, but this time Zayn can physically feel it. Zayn flutters his eyes open to reveal a whimpering Harry beneath the low light of the glow stick that's tied to the top of the tent above them.

Harry's leg drapes over Zayn's waist as Harry's hip rut forward in a relentless movement. Shaky, hitching gasps escape the plump lips of the sleepy Harry.

Zayn isn't sure if he should wake up Harry, because if he does, it'll just be humiliating on Harry's case, and because Harry will see Zayn sporting a tent as well. It just won't go well on either ends if Harry is awake.

Though, if Zayn can prevent the embarrassment, he would. But the only scheme he has would involve touching, in probably the creepiest way possible.

Would it be so wrong to get Harry off in his sleep? The boy is having one of those dreams, and it might as well be resolved now. Yeah?

Eyes trail back to the boy grinding his hips against Zayn's thigh while mumbling out incoherent vocals, Zayn decides to do what would make him feel awful, yet relieved.

Zayn discards actually taking a hold of Harry in his fingers, because if he actually wants to see nude Harry again, he wants to do it as they're conscious and having Harry's consent. Instead, Zayn slowly places a hand onto Harry's prominent bulge beneath the sweatpants.

To be cautious, in case Harry does wake up, Zayn slowly palms Harry and observes his eyes. He watches for any tense movements or if Harry stirs in his sleep, different than the consistent movement he's had earlier.

With no new results, Zayn continues to grasp hold of Harry's clothes cock and gently stroke him. The thick length wrapped in his hands as his fingertips skim upwards and back down.

A moan escapes Harry's lips, different from the ones that caused Zayn to wake up, but this one feels more realistic and vocal. Which makes sense because now Harry's actually obtaining the friction, actually getting a hand job in his sleep to fulfill those in appropriate  dreams that may be in his unconsciousness.

"Harry?" Zayn whispers smoothly, quiet enough for only Harry as he hopes. There's no response back besides a pleading moan that basically has a texture of neediness in it. The vocal results to Zayn motioning his hand in a faster pace, a rhythm going with Harry's high raise of his chest.

Zayn senses Harry is on the edge due to the outstanding releases of his moans. Harry's breath gets quicker as Zayn feels the adrenaline for the two of them. With his thumb jotting down onto the coveted tip, Harry's breath halts for a near second then exhales slowly. And it's simple, Zayn realizes he let Harry come in his sleep with just his hand.

What if Harry were to wake up? How would Zayn explain the fact that his hand is right on top of Harry's crotch. How will he explain to Harry that his pants are wet when he wakes up? Surely, Harry will be ashamed, abhorred.

Considering there's no light aside from the red shining glow stick, Zayn does not hesitate to scoot closer, hovering over Harry to unzip one of those tent windows to expose the dark view outside. He could predict it's probably around three or four.

Since Harry is quite the early bird, Zayn decides to be the supportive friend he is by staying awake so he can be able to wake up with Harry. Laying flat on his back, he reaches for one of Harry's hands, holding it and resting the two hands, his hand and Harry's, onto his chest. "Babe, baby, love, dear, hun, my world." Zayn mumbles to himself when he tilts his head to admire all of Harry's features.

With just one look, Zayn is certain he'd love to be in Harry's embrace forever, as long as he can. So it's exactly what he does, he pulls Harry close, his arm under Harry even if it'll become numb, as long as he can hold Harry and have his heartbeat chime with his own.

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