Over React

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    The second Jaws movie plays from the television. Jack and Mark laying there peaceful. Jacks head against Marks still bare chest as he rubs the strands between his fingers while Jack enjoys the sensation. Jaws suddenly pops from the waters to which Jack jumps up in the air.

    "Dork," Mark laughs.

    "Yeah says pretty boy," Jack retaliates to which Mark begins to ruffle his hair. "Hey!" Jack laughs as he curls into a ball.

    "What can't handle this plus one tickling-" Mark begins before Jack interrupts him.

    "Wait!" He says holding up his hand. "This is my favorite part," Jack says settling back down on Marks chest to which Mark settles down too. He goes back to running his hand through Jacks hair. Jack hums the dramatic music happily to which Mark does the scream. Suddenly three people practically bust open the door.

    "Oh my God! Are you guys okay!!" Robin yells with Bob and Wade at his sides. Jacks face goes beat red, along with Marks.

    "What the fuck?" Jack practically yells. Bob and Wades mouths hang open while Robin smirks. Jack scrambles off of Marks bare chest and gets to his feet fast.

    "Why did you guys just bust through our motel door?" Jack says as he puts a hand to his cheeks and drags down.

    "Oh so it's a our now?" Robin grins mischievously.

    "Not to be rude but I'm with Jack... why did you do that?" Mark says standing up and going next to Jack.

    "We were coming to give you this," Bob says snapping out of his trance as he holds up a backpack. Jack gives them a look. "Then we heard Mark scream so we might have over reacted,"

    "You fucking think?" Jack asks throwing up his hands exasperated.

    "In our defense you did leave the door unlocked," Wade says.

    "You didn't lock the door?" Mark says looking to Jack.

    "I'm sorry but I was pretty goddamn worried about you to think about locking the door," Jacks says to which Mark raises his eyebrows.

    "You were worried about me," Mark says weakly, his face going pink. Out of the corner of his eye Jack sees the gangs faces with all types of emotions. Wade looks at them like this is the cutest thing ever but still confused. Bob looks like he knew all along. Then Robin looks like he's about to explode glitter and beg for his bets. Jack sucks on his lower lip.

    "Duh you looked like death himself," Jack says softly then he narrows his eyes and smirks. "Still do you big ugly," Jack says as he winks to which Mark groans and rolls his eyes.

    "Go fuck yourself,"

    "I do that anyway," Jack winks. Mark rolls his eyes again, laughing, before Bob clears his throat. Jacks head pops to attention and he looks over at them.

    "Oh yeah," Jack says as if he forgot they were there, "What you got?" Robin, still smiling, yanks the backpack from Bob.

    "Well since you never did give me a update I got a small bit antsy," He says beginning to unzip the backpack, "So I brought more meds, and of course some snacks," Jack see him pull out some skittles and immediately runs to them and rips them from his hands.

    "You brought skittles!" He screeches. He hears Mark laugh in the corner. Then Robin pulls out marshmallows and then Marks the one flipping out.

    "Marshmallows?" Mark says his face breaking into a grin and Jack smiles at him as he rips open the bag of skittles.

    "Marshmallows? Good to know," Jack says smirking as he scoops in a handful of rainbow candy into his mouth. The flavoring burst in his mouth and leaves a sourly sweetly aftertaste. Jack sees Mark shove a marshmallow into his mouth. Tilting his head he begins to watch him happily munch on the marshmallows, a light smile on his lips. Jack can't help but look at him like the sun. His lips lift at the corners and everyone else in the room seems to disappear as Marks eyes alight with a fiery happiness.

    "Yo lover boy," Bob says as he elbows Jack on his way to the bed which he flops himself on. "Stop staring," Jacks cheeks burn a deep crimson and he looks down.

    "Not to be a total dick but what are you three doing?" Mark asks as he watches the three boys all doing random activities.

    "Giving you company," Wade says as he rips open a bag of Cheetos. Jack almost blurts out that they didn't want company but stops himself before it comes out.

    "That bother you pretty boy," Jack challenges instead. His raises an eyebrow and Mark rolls his eyes.

    "Not in the least bit Jackaboy," he says challenging right back.

    "Good," Jacks says tilting his head and batting his eyelashes. Bob groans and chuckles a pillow at them.    

    "Stop whatever that is right now,"

    "Stop what," Jack and Mark say at the same time and they turn and look at him, creepily insigne. Bob almost says something but ends up just groaning.

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