Sleep deprived

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Mr. Lancer sighed as he sat down. He glanced up at his english class. The students were standing by each others tables, talking and gossiping. Not showing any care at the fact that the bell rang 6 minutes ago.

He looked around, silently listing down the names of the students present. He didn't even raise an eyebrow when he saw that a certain Mr. Fenton was absent. He wondered what his excuse would be this time.

Maybe he 'overslept'. Or he 'missed the schoolbus' (which was interesting given that Mr. Fenton walks to school). Or he 'got stuck in a tree' (Mr. Lancer didn't even know what to do about that one).

The teacher frowned. That's weird. Mr. Foaly was absent too. He sighed, not really suprised. It happened every so often that either Mr. Foaly or Ms. Manson or both disappeared along with Mr. Fenton. He couldn't for the life of him figure those three out.

He cleared his throat. The class ignored him. He called out.


They kept talking.

"How to kill a Mockingbird! Everyone pay attention!!!", he banged his fist against his desk.

The adolescents jumped, startled, and scurried to their seats. Mr. Lancer watched in satisfaction.

"Well then. I hope you haven't forgotten about the essay on Greek literature that I have assigned for next week"

The class groaned. Mr. Lancer continued, ignoring the moping students. He opened his book and bid his class to do the same.


The teacher glanced at the clock. Fifteen minutes had passed with no sign of neither Mr. Fenton nor Mr. Foaly.

He had spoken too soon. The door flung open with a bang and in stepped an annoyed Tucker and a pissed off Danny.

"Well, well. Have you finally decided to arrive. May I ask what your excuse is this time, Mr. Fenton?"

He would never admit it out loud, but he freely admitted it to himself. He couldn't help it. In between teaching students things they weren't even interested in and listening to other teachers talk about things he wasn't even interested in, he found Mr. Fentons excuses quite enjoyable.

Danny glanced up, looking tired.

" lost"

Mr. Lancer raised an eyebrow.

"You live here, Daniel"

"It's a big school", Danny shrugged.

"You go to school every day"

"But it's ok. Mom showed me where it was and I ate on the way"

Mr. Lancer was now utterly confused. He watched as Danny shuffled over to his seat next to Sam, Tucker face palming behind him, and the rest of the class snickering at the young teen.

Yes quite the entertainment.

He laughed quietly to himself. However, he couldn't help but notice how Mr. Fenton plopped down on his chair with a wince.

He sighed and checked to see where he had left of.

"As I was saying..."


Mr. Lancer glanced up at the clock. Twenty more minutes. He sighed and looked back at the class, noticing many teenagers doing the same. The ones that weren't looking at the clock in disdain, were either on their phones (or pdas in Mr. Foalys case) or sleeping. Like Mr. Fenton who fell asleep five minutes after he sat down.

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