"Whatcha doing babe?" He asked.

"Was gonna watch TV but I don't want to watch it alone." I pouted, remembering that Harry always wants someone with him at all times.

"I'll watch something with you baby, what do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Paw Patrol?" I suggested, knowing it's Harry's favourite.

"Are you sure Zayn?" He asked looking confused.

"Uh huh." I said nodding.

He put Paw Patrol on and I cuddled into his side.

"Daddy can you get my blankie?" I asked and he nodded but I'm pretty sure he has no idea what's going on.

"Sure baby, I'll be back in a minute." He said and carefully got off the couch and went to retrieve my blankie from my room.

Liam's POV

I have no idea what's going on with Zayn, maybe he's unwell since he seems to be really clingy.

I walked into the boys room to get his blankie and saw Harry sitting on his bed playing the PS4. I didn't know he even knew how to work the remotes.

"Hey Hazza." I said.

"Hey Dad." He replied without looking up from the screen.

I was a bit taken back by him calling me Dad as he usually calls me Daddy but I suppose it's not a big deal.

"You alright bud? Do you want to come and watch some Paw Patrol?" I asked, knowing he loves the show.

He pondered for a minute and then answered.

"Nah, I'm alright. Paw Patrol's for babies." He said.

I left the room even more confused than I had ever been.

Zayn's POV

Dad came back into the room with my blankie and I smiled. He came over to me and handed me it and then felt my forehead.

"You're not too warm. Are you feeling okay Zayn?" He asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Never mind, do you want a drink baby?" He asked and I smirked because I thought my plan was working.

"Yes please Daddy."

He came back in with water in a glass. A glass?

"Can I have a sippy cup?"

"Are you sure? We bought more glasses."

"Yeah, I want to be able to lie down a bit while drinking." I said and he went to pour the water into the sippy cup.

"Thank you Daddy." I said.

"No problem baby, now I have to go and do some work so have fun watching Paw Patrol." He said and I frowned. He never leaves Harry alone.

"No Daddy." I said and made myself start crying. "P-please stay w-with me."

"Shhhh baby, it's okay. Daddy's here." He said coming over and situating me on his lap.

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