"No funny business, yeah? Rex wouldn't want you to act up now, I'm sure." He patted the gun at his hip for emphasis before walking off in a fit of laughter. I narrowed my eyes at his retreating back. We'll see whose laughing in the next few hours, buddy.

       I didn't bother going to the bathroom. Jerome's office was on this floor and I quickly walked down the empty hallway until I reached the tall oak door that separated the room from the rest of the house. I waited quietly just outside the door, listening for any sign of life on the other side. I figured he would have been downstairs anyway, helping Lisa get ready for Santiago. Just the thought of all those people in the same room made my blood curl, but I pushed that aside as I eased into the office.

       The door closed quietly behind me, and I clicked the lock before heading for the large mahogany desk at the back of the room. My only hope was that he had kept the gun in the same spot after all these years. Humans were creatures of habit, even the most disgusting, despicable ones. I wanted to scream in joy when I opened the familiar drawer and found the gun buried under a pile of papers. I really didn't like guns, but whatever was inside of me knew exactly how to pick it up and hold it. I stuffed it into the back of my yoga pants before closing the drawer.

       Headlights shined through the window across the spacious office, and I quietly snuck over to the side of the wall to peak behind the thick curtains. I gulped when none other than Santiago stepped out of a sleek black Hummer, with ten men surrounding him. I let my fingers brush against the gun pressed against my back and frowned. The clip held ten or twelve bullets at the most. Even if I could take out all of his men and him that still left the problem of the Elliots.

       I needed a new plan, and I needed one fast. Santiago showing up meant I only had a short amount of time before Donni came looking to escort me to my new "owner". I cringed at the thought, but let the curtains fall back into place as I headed for the desk.

       I needed a lighter, or matches preferably. That was the only way this place, and everyone in it would burn. Literally. I found what I was looking for in the top drawer of Jerome's desk. He always kept a few matches handy, not sure why, but he did. I gripped them tightly in my hand and made sure my shirt was covering the gun in the back of my pants before leaving the office. I didn't need anyone catching me with it before I could use it.

       I knew this house like the back of my hand. When I wasn't locked in that room or right under Lisa's hand, I would sneak out of my usual room and go explore. It was the only release I had in this hell hole. I knew there was a back stairway that's supposed to be used for the "help", as Lisa used to say, at the end of ever floor. And I knew it led to the sole place I needed to be.

       The kitchen.

       I peeked over the stairwell just enough to hear laughter echoing through the main part of the house. I wanted to scream as Santiago's voice mixed with that of the Elliots. The man that had caused Rex so much trouble was friends with the people who made my life a living hell for so long. I'm not sure how, but I managed to hold it together as I backed away and headed for the hidden stairwell.

       I had just stepped into the staircase when I heard Donni's heavy footsteps come up the stairs. "Rosalyn?" He asked as he pounded on the bathroom's door where I was supposed to be. "Our company has arrived. Time to get moving." I didn't stay for him to figure out I wasn't really there. The darkness in me wanted to get this done and over with.

       I hurried down the back staircase, thankful no one was using it, and stopped just at the bottom of the steps. Light shined through the thin opening under the door and I paused as a few shadows walked by. The staircase was hidden by a secret panel at the back of the kitchen, and as a child I would often hide there until the late of hours of night before sneaking food out of the pantry.

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