The crush

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Nicole's POV

   I never have too many crushes. From time to time i'll have one- but then he'll do something jerky and I turn my 'crush on him' notebook into a 'crush him' notebook. I grew out of having those crushes for a a year or two- but this one, I'm sure of. He's the one. David Mower.

Not the cutest boy ever, but not too shabby. He's not in any Gifted and Talented classes like me but it's not like he fails. I mean, there really aren't any other good guys around- really. And usually I wouldn't have any crushes like this- but something about him just... clicks!

Back in the 6th grade, I would always tease him because of his bleach blonde hair and a stupid blazer he wore every once in a while. But one day, I saw him walking by, so I stopped him and forced him to admit that his hair was bleached (which I still believe), but he wasn't happy. He must've been mad or something, because he didn't reply. He usually laughs and tries to convince me that he's not looking through shades of white-ish blonde every weekend. This time, he just kept walking. So, in order to avoid more of this sudden 'hatred' towards hair jokes, I stopped talking to him in the halls. He suddenly stopped wearing the blazer and let his hair grow out a little (which I swear, showed brown on the sides) and everything became awkward. Now that i'm pretty sure all of the awkwardness has passed- I kinda like him.

But there's one problem...    Manal. She's not really mean (i'm not saying she was ever super nice) and she's not a bad person (not saying she was super good) but i'm pretty sure David likes her. I never really know but, this one- even she thinks its true.

I'm not THAT worried though, I have other things going on. Let's break my week down.

Monday- Get on the bus and lose my childhood because of DeAndre (An overweight kid who's been held back twice and doesn't know any other way to share his pain than to terrorize girls with is inappropriate sense of humor and to walk around calling people gay) then get to school and live a boring life with David and Math in the way. Then, I get back home and go to my awesome drama class and then go strait to bed.

Tuesday- Same DeAndre, David, and Math horrors then I get home, eat dinner, and go to bed-while catching up with Vampire Diaries

Wednesday- Same morning with my brain being slowly ripped out by a certain DeAndre who obviously didn't grow up right- then do the same old learning (I already know all of this stupid stuff) then spend the rest of my day eating and of  course Vampire Diaries watching.

Thursday- Once again damaged for life by DeAndre- but then I have Gifted and Talented classes where David calls us Giant Turds (Get it GT -Giant Turds) as he passes by at lunch then I live another normal Vampire filled night.

Friday- DeAndre, David, Math and all of that simple stuff and then I pack for my dad's, drive 3 hours to his house in San Antonio, and take a break from Stefan and Damon Salvatore (Vampire Diaries) and watch something else for the night.

Weekend- I spend the weekend playing B-ball with my step bro and then go back to my mom's and live the whole week over again.

Sucks- right? Did I forget to mention the stretches I have to do because of my foot having a misshapen bone preventing me to join a basketball team. Oh and, encase you didn't realize, my parents are divorced- they got divorced when I was 2 years old and it's really not that bad- except for elementary  school where they make you decorate these weird snowman Christmas cards for your parents and you hide in the corner and cry because your the only kid in the class who has to make two cards (one for my dad and step mom- and one for my mom and step dad). But i'm getting ahead of myself- I don't hate my life at all. Every time I say my life is horrible, I just think of this young girl I saw in Austin who had Cancer (I assumed because she had no hair- but who am I to assume?) and was coughing on the side of the road with torn up clothes and a hat on the ground that had $2 in it. I nearly cried seeing that little sick girl with no money, no parents, and no love. I felt so horrible because I left my wallet in the hotel we were staying at. But I never felt ungrateful since that moment.

Never mind that stuff- what really threw me off in 7th grade was what I like to call 'The Hate Incident' of 2015. This was a traumatizing moment of the 7th grade. Here's how it went down:

I was playing tag with my friends Chizi, Mia, Maisann,  Mady, and Savannah when i got tired and stopped at the swings to rest next to my other friend, Sofia. At the other swing set, all of my friends stopped and started talking to each other. As I was talking to Sofia about -who-knows-what-, Manal and Mady came over to me. "By the way me, Chizi, Mia, Maisann, Savannah and Mady all hate you", Manal said with a smirk. "Okay?", I said trying to keep my cool. One they left- I couldn't help it anymore. I planted my face in my hands and cried. I know I sound like a cry baby but it really hurt. So, I ate lunch at another table- David's table. He didn't sit near me though. And thank you god for that because I was blushing like crazy and I didn't want him to see. Once I got to to my next class, I ran up to Mia with a angry look. "Manal was lying- none of us said that", Mia explained. I let out a sigh of relief and the rest of the day went on. And tomorrow, I have GT classes!

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