love at first

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"hello and welcome to wild cat TV im here with the world famous one direction and zayn's girlfriend who is 2 week pregnant with his unborn baby" i flinched as she said it was zayn's baby i wish it was true but its not and i could tell zayn was still pissed of with me  he has every right though."so its your baby isn't it "you'd think wouldn't you" he said what the fuck was he doing we all agreed to not tell anyone as it will ruin one direction because one of them is the father." um im sorry its not your's?" i just sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say as all the 1d boy's glared at zayn. "yeah it's not mine niamh isn't my girlfriend anymore either since she cheated on me with one of these boys"its one of the one direction lads? at this point i was ready to jump up and slap him as hard as i possibly could. "yeah its one of theres and she wont tell me who is it's" just as he said that there was a sharp pain in my stomach "shiiiiiiiit" i screemed as i fell to the floor i was in so much pain it was unbareable i heard niall on the phone to 911 as harry and zayn where next to me trying to help even though zayn was pissed at me he still cared louis and liam where in a panic trying to help and the interviewer couldn't have cared less she just fucked off and left thoughs where the last thoughts i had before every thing went pitch black

love at firstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora