The Start of a New Beginning (29)

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When I unscrewed the cap, I brought it up to my lips, taking a small sip. "Yeah," they finally answered after a long and awkward pause.

"What's gotten into you guys tonight?" I huffed, rolling my eyes and setting the water bottle down on the counter top. I wasn't trying to come off mean or upset, it's just I'm a bit pissed. Lady problems. They suck, I'd rather be a guy. All I'd have to deal with is getting hit in the balls, while women give birth and bleed all the time, it sucks. I'll pull a Chaz Bono.

No answer. Instead of saying something stupid that I'd regret, I just chomped down on the inside of my cheek, keeping my mouth shut. I hurried down the hallway and upstairs to get my shoes and clutch for our night out.

I'll admit that I had a few drinks, more then I was planning on having, but that's okay. But I wasn't drunk, so that was good. The music controlled my body, just moving with the beat of each song, screaming my heart out as a song I liked would come on and I would sing to the lyrics.

Louis, who got sloppily drunk, kept trying to touch me and get his hands on me. Luckily, Liam was practically babysitting him, watching over him and making sure he didn't do anything stupid. I stayed with Niall all night on the dance floor.

Did I ever tell you he was a surprisingly good dancer? Well, he is. He is also a chick magnet, fans kept coming up to us all night, so that's when we decided to head out on our own, sneak out of the club and run off somewhere. But I had a small feeling he had planned where we were going and planned to leave early.

By the time we had gotten to some park, I couldn't recognize it in the dark, it was freezing. And when you're wearing a skimpy dress, it's a thousand times colder. Like the gentlemen he is, Niall gave me his jumper to wear, which warmed me up right away, and gave me his sexy scent.

"Thanks," I whispered. My breath turned white in the air, making me think I looked like a dragon. Rawr. Niall nodded and gave me a faint smile. He looked cold, which broke my heart that he'd be cold just to see me feel more comfortable.

His hand was rested on my back as we walked over to an iron black park bench, which stung my bare legs as I sat down. I rested my head on Niall's shoulder and rested my eyes as he draped his arm over my shoulder, giving me warmth.

"Ashley," Niall whispered, his voice rough. He was cold, his hand was shaking as he had it rested against my shoulder.

"Stop, before you say anything, take your jacket back, we an switch off and on. You're cold, and I don't want you to get sick," I said before he could get a chance to say another word. I stood up and slumped out of his jacket, wrapping it around his shivering body instead. A smile spread across both of our faces. "Okay, now what were you saying?" I grinned.

Niall sucked in, taking a deep breath then slowly letting it out. "Okay," he whispered, his ice-cold, shaking hands reached for mine.

"Ashley, the day Harry hit you with a door, that was the greatest moment of my life. Not for you getting hit in the face, but us meeting each other. The night you and Harry hooked up broke my heart, but I was there to comfort you. Competing with one of your best mates is hard, especially since your the ugliest-"

"Stop, Niall you are the most gorgeous man I have ever met in my life. You are beautiful and handsome and sexy, so stop." I interrupted.

Niall nodded but kept going. "When we danced in the club, it was magic. Even though we both had a lot to drink... When we kissed in the pouring rain at the race track, caring for me when I get sick, our trip to Hawaii. All of our memories, good and bad, we're always amazing. And I can't lose you, ever. I can't let you go. I need you," he went on.

The First of February (EDITING)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat