Food Poisoning (6)

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Ashley's P.O.V-

Niall wrapped me in his arms, picking me up so I could wrap my legs around his body. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, and played with his hair.

I leaned forward, our foreheads touching. We looked into each others eyes for so long that I felt like I was in a trance. I glanced down at his lips then back into his eyes, hoping he got the message. Niall pressed his lips against mine.

I got down from his body and slipped my shirt over my head and tossed it to the side. Niall did the same. I crawled backwards onto his bed while he crept on top of my body, his chest rubbing up against mine.


"Dinner time!" Louis shouted inside the car loudly, alarming me from my dream. I looked up to see Niall's face smiling down on me, his hand softly brushing the hair out of my face. That simple act makes me melt like a Popsicle.

We all piled out of Louis' car, and walked into a dim lit restaurant. "Louis, where are we?" I asked softly, looking around the place curiously. I rubbed my eyes and let a yawn escape my lips.

"I don't know, but they sell food, so we eat here," he replied smiling big, stuffing his hands into his front jean pockets.

It was empty, there were no customers, hinting that it must not be the greatest eateries in the States. We took a seat in a large booth, three on either side. I thought back to my dream in the car of Niall. It made me smile as I played with the straw in my ice water, swirling it around, causing the ice to clank around the glass.

I was exhausted from today, and wasn't in the mood for food. All the other boys ate, chowing down their food. From what I saw, it didn't look appetizing at all. Things that were meant to be solid looked liquidy and soupy, and the liquid dishes looked solid.

We spent about an hour tops in there and left as quick as we could. That place gave me the creeps and by the looks on their faces, it skeeved them out too.

Louis parked in the back of the parking lot, and we all scuttled inside. "Do you mind if I crash here tonight?" I yawned

"You can stay in my room," Niall offered, making me smile.

Before I could fall asleep and forget, I checked my phone. My mom had replied to my text from earlier. She said they were going out late and to sleep out.

As everyone nestled into bed and the last light was turned off, I drifted off to sleep. I could hear Niall's soft breathing from the floor. It made me feel safe, making me smile in the dark

"Good night," Niall whispered from the floor.

"Good night, Niall" I replied softly, falling asleep.

I tossed and turned that night. I kept remembering more and more of what had happened the night with Harry. J

My chest rose and fell rapidly, and I was sweating. I rubbed my arms and quietly slipped out of Niall's bed and padded down to the bathroom. I needed to cool off, splash some water on my face.

The door was wide open and the light was on. I peered in to see Harry leaned over the toilet throwing up. My eyes widened and I hurried over to him, kneeling down by his side. Without saying a word, I took his hand in my mine, clutching it tightly and brushing his curls out of his face. I slid my hand from his hair to his back, rubbing it in a comforting manner.

"How long have you been in here?" I whispered.

"Thirty minutes," he answered in a barely audible voice before spewing his guts into the porcelain bowl.

The First of February (EDITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя