Should've Kissed You (12)

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 Ashley's P.O.V-

I pulled out five mugs from one of the cabinets and gently set them down on the counter space next to the stove. After the water was done boiling in the kettle, I turned the stove off. I placed a tea bag in each mug and sugar. Two spoon fulls for myself, honey in Louis', one spoon full in Liam's, Irish Cream in Niall's instead of milk, and two spoon fulls for Harry as well. I remembered how Zayn didn't want one, but at the last minute, I decided to make him a teacup anyways.

I carried two glasses over at a time to the table, setting them down softly, hoping they wouldn't spill over and burn my bare hand.

After all the mugs were set down, I cooked 3 platefuls of microwave bacon and toaster strudels with the boys names written in the white frosting.

Seems like a hell of a breakfast to me. I grinned, pleased at the table. This is like a heavenly breakfast for me.

Liam was the first was down who greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Morning, love." He was always so cheerful in the morning.

"Morning, sorry for keeping you up last night, I haven't been able to sleep. Ive been really-"

"Stressed, yeah. I know, it's really noticeable." Liam finished my sentence. I nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, exactly." I laughed again. I was covering up my emotions again. Was my stress really that noticeable?

After Liam, Niall and Louis were racing each other down the steps, pushing at each other to get down first after they smelled bacon.

"Get out of my way you wanker!" Louis shouted, leaping down the steps and running towards the kitchen.

"Never you prick!" Niall shouted, right at his heels. Niall leaped over Louis and landed on the table, breaking all the mugs of boiling hot tea and the plate of bacon and toaster strudels.

"Niall!" I yelped, covering my mouth with my hands. I got even angrier when he started to laugh, just lying there on the table. I rushed over to him and helped him up, along with Liam and Louis who were trying to hold in laughter. As Niall stood on his feet once again, his shirt was stained with tea and frosting.

"What the hell!" I shouted, raising my hands in the air. I pinched my nose right in between my eyes in frustration. "Take your shirt off," I demanded. Niall giggled and slip his white t-shirt over his head and handed it to me. He had blotches of red skin along his stomach and arms from the boiling hot tea hitting his skin. "Pants," I held my hand out as he slipped off his sweatpants from his legs. He handed them to me and stood their in his boxer briefs. I rolled my eyes and shook my head and walked out of the room.

"I fucking cook breakfast, make everyone special tea, and it's fucking ruined." I mumbled all the way to the wash room where I threw Niall's clothes in and poured detergent in and turned the washer on. I rubbed the back of my neck and re-entered the kitchen to clean up the table. Carefully, I pulled all the broken bits of plate off the table and into the trash can.

After all the shards were taken care of, I wiped up all the spilled tea on the table and floor and threw out the squished chunks of bacon bits and strudel. "Ungrateful douche bags," I mumbled as I threw everything out and everything was spotless.

I needed fresh air to calm down and cool off. It was hot as balls out I would say back home, but to be more fancy like and sophisticated, I'll say the blistering heat beat down on my boiling skin. As I was nearing the water, Niall ran out after me.

He grasped my wrist and pulled me around to face him, now in clothes. "I'm sorry for ruining breakfast, let me take you out instead." He smiled, awaiting for my answer. The sun caught his eyes beautifully, they twinkled in the sun light as he faced me.

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